employee discipline form samples

Discipline is a crucial aspect of any individual, especially when he is in the workplace. Discipline in the workplace means that employees adhere to the rules established by the company, and behavioral actions are done or given by supervisory personnel when a misconduct is committed.

Employee Discipline is not intended to punish or embarrass an employee; rather, it is a positive approach to resolve or correct issues pertaining to unacceptable behavior. Examples of our Employee Discipline forms can be found in our Employment Forms for your easy access.

Free Employee Discipline Form Sample

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Size: 51 KB


Employee Discipline Report Form

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Size: 131 KB


Employee Discipline Form Format

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Size: 69 KB


Employee Discipline Tracking Form Example

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Size: 25 KB


Discipline in the workplace is typically restricted to putting an employee on suspension, issuing letters of warning, or actual termination, depending on the severity of the misconduct and the number of offenses committed. Examples of employee misconduct include excessive tardiness, failure to notify superiors of an absence, dishonesty, theft, failure to follow company rules or procedures, etc.

The Process of Employee Discipline

Employee discipline has to go through a step-by-step process to ensure fairness among employees and to avoid labor disputes.

Investigation Stage

The investigation stage is the most critical part of Employee Discipline, regardless of whether there is overwhelming evidence of the employee’s guilt, an investigation, and a chance for the employee to explain himself for the sake of due process. The Investigation Stage involves the collection and gathering of facts and evidence to establish what really happened. An investigation process will typically include statements from witnesses, documents that contain evidence, and interviews with the employee who was involved in the misconduct.

Discipline Phase

Once management has heard the employee’s explanation in the interview, verified the facts, and gathered all the evidence, the decision to discipline can be made. Ideally, the formal judgement should be made after discussions with other people in management and with Human Resources.

The corresponding discipline measure has to consider the severity of the offense, the reason why the employee was driven to commit the offense, and the employee’s previous records. Employee Discipline also has to be properly documented using Employee Discipline Forms to serve as a reference for the future. A copy of the form should be kept by Human Resources, management, and the offending employee.

Simple Employee Discipline Form

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Size: 112 KB


Employee Discipline Warning Form Sample

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Size: 7 KB


Generic Employee Discipline Report Form

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Size: 58 KB


Employee Discipline Action Form Example

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Size: 285 KB


Types of Discipline

The method of disciplining an employee can come in various stages or forms depending on the severity of the offense or the number of times it has incurred. Typically, minor offenses generate a warning and if continually done, can result to suspension. Below is a clearer definition of the various types of discipline measures imposed in the workplace:

Oral and Written Warnings

Warnings can start off with verbal warnings that can later escalate to written warnings if not corrected. An example of an oral warning is when an employee is late once or twice in a month, a supervisor can call out the employee’s attention and address the tardiness issue. If the employee’s tardiness issue persists, a written warning can then be given.


Suspension is typically given to employees who continuously fail to show improvement or have committed a grave misconduct. When an employee fails to correct his tardiness issue and has been late at least 10 times in one month despite several oral and written warnings, then perhaps it is about time a suspension be imposed upon him.


Termination is typically done when an employee has failed to amend his ways despite several warnings and even suspension. Some grave misconducts can also merit an employee’s termination, such as company theft or dishonesty. Providing measures of discipline in the workplace is important in order to hone individuals to perform better. When conducting Employee Discipline, it is crucial to properly and accurately document the steps leading to the investigation and the method of discipline to protect yourself from any labor disputes. Our Self-Employment Forms include Employee Discipline forms to help you collect and organize data clearly and accurately.

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