employee self evaluation form

An employee self-assessment is the process of giving an employee the opportunity to evaluate his overall job performance. An employee self-assessment is an important tool used by employers or supervisors to form a professional connection between the employees and the management.

Conducting an employee self-assessment requires careful reflection and analysis. It can be quite challenging to provide an evaluation that is objective but allows you to showcase your achievements and abilities as well. Using an evaluation form helps employees follow a set criteria when evaluating themselves.

Employee Performance Self-Evaluation Questionnaire

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 23 KB


Annual Employee Self-Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 83 KB


Basic Employee Self-Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 79 KB


The results of an employee’s self-assessment is one of the key basis for determining an employee’s success or demise within a company. It is therefore imperative that an employee takes ample time to reflect on what to put into his self-evaluation. Below are tips to help you make clear and objective evaluations about yourself:

Showcase Your Abilities

Being able to achieve something at work is something to be proud of. Take this time as an opportunity to flaunt your achievements and abilities to make your superiors aware of them. Do not feel embarrassed to showcase your skills and abilities. When describing your accomplishments, emphasize each one of them and describe in detail how they were able to dramatically impact the company or the organization as a whole.

Acknowledge Your Mistakes

One other element that allows you to provide objective data in your self-assessment is learning how to critique yourself. Be honest about the parts where you are weak at and learn to own up to your mistakes. A person who is capable of becoming a leader is not someone who is flawless and perfect, but rather, someone who can own up to his mistakes and find ways to improve and develop. Below is a list of questions that can guide you through determining your areas for improvement:

  • What are the tasks at work that I could have done better this year?
  • What are my weaknesses and how do I improve them?
  • How do I become a more effective employee?
  • What are my strong points?
  • In which area can I be more productive?

You can download our Employee Self Evaluation Forms for employees to fill out. Having a standard evaluation form allows you to provide set criteria for everyone to follow, allowing uniformity among all employee assessments.

Printable Employee Self-Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 222 KB


Simple Employee Self-Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 123 KB


Employee Self-Evaluation Form Example

Classified Employee Self-Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 47 KB


Employee Self-Evaluation Form Template

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 8 KB


General Employee Self-Evaluation Form

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 13 KB


Talk About Your Objectives

If there’s one good thing about evaluations, it is that these allow you the opportunity to communicate with your superior. Sit down with your boss to let him know what is important in your career and how you can further improve your strengths and abilities. Take this opportunity to think things through and plan your career for your future.

Maintain Professionalism

Always maintain professionalism in all aspects of work. Do not use this time as an opportunity to imprecate or curse your supervisor or to find fault with your colleagues. Your self-evaluation is a reflection of you, your character, your goals, your achievements, and the way you handle yourself in times of stress. A polished and professionally made self-evaluation will show how mature and capable you are in handling bigger responsibilities.

When conducting evaluations or letting employees do a self-assessment, be sure to provide them with Self Evaluation Forms so that they can have a set standard or criteria as a guide and to let them know which aspects should be considered when doing a self-assessment.

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