employee complaint form

Employees are the fuel that run your business. Without them, a company or an organization will eventually cease to exist because nobody will run it. Hence, it should be an employer’s priority to make sure that his employees are happy and satisfied. However, in spite of your best efforts and best intentions, employees may have some occasional complaints or concerns that also need to be addressed.

An Employee Complaint Form is a type of form that allows workers or employees to communicate their concerns to the administration. Utilizing an Employee Complaint Form at work can help employees vent out their grievances or dissatisfaction.

Employee Behavior Complaint Form

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Size: 14 KB


Anonymous Employee Complaint Form

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Size: 91 KB


Employee Harassment Complaint Form

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Size: 9 kB


Employee Discrimination Complaint Form

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Size: 63 KB


Employee Safety Complaint Form

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Size: 11 KB


It is important that employees are treated fairly and receive quick and prompt responses from the management when a complaint is issued. Responding quickly to an employee’s concern can also boost a company’s morale and indicates that you respect your employees. This practice will eventually foster a sense of pride and accountability in the workplace. Below are tips and steps on how to objectively handle an Employee Complaint:

Establishing a System for Complaints

A company or an organization must first set up a system so that employee complaints will be properly and fairly resolved. Policies must first be built so that employees can use them as a point of reference for what is acceptable and unacceptable.

Once a Code of Conduct has been put into place, a company must assign a person or a department to deal with the complaints that arise. A central location for filing complaints that can be easily accessible to employees must be provided in order to maintain the confidentiality of the issue or the employee’s identity.

Assign Complaints According to Categories

Complaints have to be categorized in order to better address issues based on priority. Complaints pertaining to work conditions have to be a main priority and should be addressed immediately. Meanwhile, complaints about management policies should then come second on the list, followed by issues on the violation of rule and regulations.

Acknowledging Complaints

Once Human Resources has received a complaint, an acknowledgement of the receipt of the complain has to be given to assure the employee that they are being heard. Upon receiving and acknowledging the complaint, an investigation has to be conducted by Human Resources. Let the complainant know that an investigations of the complaint is being done and set expectations by letting them know that the investigation process may take time and will require the collection of relevant data.

Also see: Employee Complaint Forms

Employee Complaint Investigation Form

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Size: 165 KB


Employee Complaint Resolution Form

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  • Doc

Size: 9 KB


Employee Complaint Form in PDF

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Size: 13 KB


Employee Complaint Registration Form

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Size: 14 KB


Employee Complaint Form in Word

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 5 KB


Finding a Resolution

After collecting information pertinent to the complaint, you then have to formulate a plan to resolve the issue. Old employee complaints and grievances have to be acted upon immediately to avoid impacting production and lowering the company’s morale.

Evaluation of Results

After you have implemented a solution to the complaint or the grievance, it is always a good idea to evaluate the issue. Evaluating the way you processed a complaint helps you get an objective perspective and resolve similar situations in the future.

An Employee Complaint can create stress and discontent in the workplace. However, in effect, it will also help shed light to serious infractions or even criminal conduct in the office.

Listening to your employee’s complaints and addressing their concerns can also provide a great comfort to them and will make them feel respected and appreciated.

Also see: Official Complaint Forms

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