employee of the month nomination form

Creating an effective Employee of the Month Nomination Form is crucial for recognizing and rewarding outstanding employee performance. This comprehensive guide provides detailed examples and step-by-step instructions to help you design an impactful Employee Nomination Form. Whether you’re looking to boost morale, increase productivity, or simply acknowledge hard work, a well-structured Employee Form can make all the difference. Learn how to gather meaningful nominations, highlight key achievements, and ensure a fair selection process. Follow our guide to enhance your employee recognition program and celebrate your team’s successes effectively.

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Download Employee of the Month Nomination Form bundle

What is Employee of the Month Nomination Form?

An Employee of the Month Nomination Form is a document used by organizations to nominate employees for exceptional performance and contributions. This form typically includes sections for nominator and nominee details, reasons for nomination, and examples of outstanding work. It serves as a structured way to recognize and reward employees who go above and beyond in their roles. By using an Employee Nomination Form, companies can ensure a transparent and fair process, fostering a culture of appreciation and motivation.

Employee of the Month Nomination Format

1. Nominee Information

  • Full Name:
  • Department:
  • Position:

2. Nominator Information

  • Full Name:
  • Department:
  • Position:

3. Nomination Justification

  • Outstanding Achievements:
  • Contribution to Team/Organization:
  • Work Ethic and Attitude:

4. Supporting Evidence

  • Examples of Performance:
  • Peer/Manager Comments:

5. Signatures

  • Nominator’s Signature:
  • Date:

Employee of the Month Nomination Form PDF

An Employee of the Month Nomination Form PDF provides a standardized, easy-to-share format for nominating outstanding employees. This digital form ensures consistency and convenience, similar to using an Employee Bio Data Form for comprehensive employee details.

Employee of the Month Nomination Form Template Free

A Free Employee of the Month Nomination Form Template offers a ready-made structure to simplify the nomination process. This template is designed to be easily customized, much like an Employee Information Form for collecting essential employee data.

Employee of the Month Nomination Example

An Employee of the Month Nomination Example showcases the ideal way to highlight an employee’s achievements and contributions. This example serves as a guide for writing compelling nominations, similar to an Employee Evaluation Form for performance reviews.

Employee of the Month Nomination Form for Nurse

A Nurse Employee of the Month Nomination Form specifically acknowledges the exceptional work of nurses. This form includes criteria tailored to healthcare professionals, ensuring their unique contributions are recognized, similar to an Employee Write Up Form for documenting specific incidents or achievements.

More Employee of the Month Nomination Form Samples
Employee of the Month Nomination Form Sample

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Size: 123 KB


Employee of the Month Award Nomination Form

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Size: 133 KB


Employee of the Month Nomination Form in DOC

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  • DOC

Size: 4 KB


Office Professional Employee of the Month Nomination Form

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  • PDF

Size: 218 KB


Public School Employee of the Month Nomination Form

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  • PDF

Size: 147 KB


Research Employee of the Month Nomination Form

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Size: 20 KB


Sheriff’s Office Employee of the Month Nomination Form

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Size: 41 KB


Varieties of Employee of the Month Nomination Forms

Automated Employee of the Month Nomination Form – With this form variety, a nominator can easily fill and print out the form as soon as he completes the necessary entry fields. Three sections comprise the automated employee of the month nomination form. In the first section, the nominator will be required to state the name and identification number of the employee nominated for the award along with the basic information of the nominator himself, and the approval of the department’s director. You also browse our Employee Transfer Form

Automated Employee of the Month Nomination Form

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Size: 421 KB


The second section of the form is allotted for the award criteria. This is where the nominator can state his evaluation and assessment to the employee that he is nominating such as the employee’s initiative, interaction, productivity, and cost avoidance techniques. Furthermore, the last section of the form is not to be filled out by the nominator, rather by the authorized personnel or HR representative of the company who will compile the completed nomination forms. The decision of whether or not the nominee had been selected and the signatures of the company’s chairman and secretary will be the contents of the last section. You also browse our Employee Statement Form

Classified Employee of the Month Nomination Form – Compared to regular employees, classified employees are hired periodically and are often paid on an hourly rate. Examples of classified employees are clerical staff members and construction workers. To nominate an exemplary classified employee, a classified employee of the month nomination form must be filled out by the nominating party. This form will document the name and the job title of the nominated employee as well as the nominator’s basic data and reasons for his nomination. In addition, the contact information of the nominator will also need to be included in the form to allow the company in reaching out to the nominator for clarifications and questions regarding his choice of nominee. You also browse our Employee Performance Appraisal Form

Classified Employee of the Month Nomination Form

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Size: 73 KB


Employee of the Month Program and Nomination Form – Not only the details of the nominee and the nominator will be stated in this form variety but also the details of the awarding program and criteria to be considered for the winning nominee. The form also specifies the process of the awarding program starting from the posting of the nomination forms up to the selection procedure. You also browse our Employee Shift Swap Form

Employee of the Month Program and Nomination Form

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Size: 67 KB


Professional Part-Time Employee of the Month Nomination Form – Although part-time employees only spend smaller hours compared to full-time employees, their services and expertise should still be awarded. For this, a professional part-time employee of the month nomination form should be used by the company. In this form, the purpose of the program, the criteria for the nominees, the eligibility rules, and a guide on how to nominate an employee will be stated. Additionally, the form will also collect the information of both the nominee and the nominator along with the detailed description of the nominator to prove his nominee’s suitability for the award. You also browse our Employee Address Form

Professional Part-Time Employee of the Month Nomination Form

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  • PDF

Size: 22 KB


How to write a nomination for employee of the month?

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Writing a nomination for Employee of the Month involves highlighting achievements and contributions. Key steps include:

  1. Introduction: Begin with the nominee’s name and position.
  2. Specific Achievements: Detail notable accomplishments. You also browse our Employee Assessment Form
  3. Impact: Explain how these achievements benefited the team or company.
  4. Qualities: Highlight key qualities that make the nominee stand out.
  5. Conclusion: Summarize why they deserve the award, similar to completing an Employee Clearance Form.

What should I write for employee of the month?

When writing for Employee of the Month, focus on the nominee’s contributions. Key points include:

  1. Introduction: Introduce the nominee and their role.
  2. Key Contributions: Highlight significant contributions. You also browse our Employee Counseling Form
  3. Impact: Describe the positive impact on the team or company.
  4. Work Ethic: Mention their dedication and work ethic.
  5. Conclusion: Summarize their overall performance, similar to an Employee Appraisal Form.

What do you say when nominating someone?

When nominating someone, emphasize their strengths and contributions. Key elements include:

  1. Introduction: State the nominee’s name and role.
  2. Achievements: Highlight key achievements. You also browse our Employee Requisition Form
  3. Positive Impact: Describe the positive effects of their work.
  4. Personal Qualities: Mention their outstanding qualities.
  5. Conclusion: Strongly recommend them for the award, akin to filling out an Employee Self Evaluation Form.

How do you describe the employee of the month?

Describing the Employee of the Month involves showcasing their excellence. Key descriptions include:

  1. Introduction: Introduce the employee and their role.
  2. Achievements: List major achievements. You also browse our Employee Waiver Form
  3. Impact: Explain the impact on the company.
  4. Qualities: Highlight key qualities and attributes.
  5. Overall Performance: Summarize their outstanding performance, similar to completing an Employee Performance Evaluation Form.

How to nominate an employee for recognition?

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Nominating an employee for recognition involves a structured approach. Key steps include:

  1. Identify Criteria: Understand the criteria for recognition.
  2. Gather Information: Collect details about the nominee’s achievements.
  3. Write Nomination: Draft a compelling nomination. You also browse our Employee Pay Increase Form
  4. Submit Form: Complete and submit the nomination form.
  5. Follow-Up: Ensure the nomination is received and considered, akin to processing an Employee Advance Request Form.

Why Are Employee of the Month Nomination Forms Important?

Employee of the month nomination forms are important because these documents serve as a tool for gathering data, information, as well as surveying who is the preferred choice of the members of a company. With the form, it will be easier for the selection committee to compare and finalize who will be awarded as the company’s employee of the month. Furthermore, the form will also promote communication between the company management and the employees if the forms are to be distributed and are offered to every employee of every job type and title. You also browse our Employee Release Form

What to say about an employee of the month?

Highlight their exceptional work ethic, significant contributions, and positive impact on the team, similar to how you would in an Employee Complaint Form.

How do I congratulate someone for being an employee of the month?

Congratulate them by acknowledging their hard work, dedication, and the positive impact they’ve had, similar to the supportive tone of an Employee Suggestion Form.

How to select the best employee of the month?

Select the best employee based on consistent performance, significant contributions, teamwork, and positive attitude, much like the criteria in an Employee Engagement Survey Form.

How do you honor employee of the month?

Honor the employee by publicly recognizing their achievements, providing a certificate, and offering a reward, akin to the formal process of an Employee Promotion Form.

What should be in a nomination form?

A nomination form should include the nominee’s details, achievements, reasons for nomination, and supporting evidence, similar to an Employee Declaration Form.

What is an award nomination form?

An award nomination form is a document used to nominate an individual for an award, detailing their achievements and merits, much like an Employee Disciplinary Action Form focuses on specific incidents.

What to say about an employee of the month?

Praise their dedication, highlight specific achievements, and mention their positive impact on the team, similar to how you document details in an Employee Termination Form.

What do you say when nominating someone?

When nominating someone, emphasize their strengths, specific accomplishments, and the positive effects of their work, much like the thorough details in an Employee of the Month Voting Form.

In conclusion, an Employee of the Month Nomination Form is an essential tool for acknowledging and rewarding employee excellence. This article has provided a thorough overview, including samples, forms, and practical tips for creating an effective nomination process. Understanding the importance of such a form, like the Employee Change Form, can enhance your organization’s recognition program and boost employee morale. Utilize our examples and guidelines to design a nomination form that captures the essence of your team’s hard work and dedication, ensuring a fair and inspiring selection process.

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