candidate evaluation form

Filtering and selecting applicants or candidates for a position in an organization can be done effectively with the use of the right documents and forms such as candidate evaluation forms. This document can either be used during and after a candidate has been interviewed by the hiring and selection committee or staff of the organization.

Candidate Evaluation Form Sample

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What Is a Candidate Evaluation Form?

A candidate evaluation form is a type of hr form which is used to record the observations and the assessments of the evaluating personnel towards an applicant of a position, either for membership or for an employment opportunity. In the form, the applicant will be rated based on the standards of the organization. In addition, the form will also collect the comments and the suggestions of the evaluating personnel of the actions to be done by the applicant or the organization in lieu of the interview and the selection process.

Overall Candidate Evaluation Form

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Size: 38 KB


Screening Interview Candidate Evaluation Form

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Size: 54 KB


How to Fill out a Basic Candidate Evaluation Form

Although companies and organizations can create varying candidate evaluation forms, there are some sections which are retained and are considered essentials regardless of the variety of the form. Nonetheless, to fill out a basic candidate evaluation form, the steps below must be followed:

Step 1: Identify the applicant. The name of the applicant, the position that he is applying for, and a few information about his background will be some of the details to disclose in order to identify who the person being evaluated is.

Step 2: Understand the rating procedure. Most organizations use numbers to rate the applicant while others prefer to use phrases and letters instead. Nonetheless, what each number, letter, or phrase corresponds to must be the focus of the evaluating personnel since this will determine how the applicant qualifies to the organization’s needs and standards.

Step 3: Read and individual rate each item in the evaluation form. Some of the items to be evaluated include the presentation of the applicant of himself towards the evaluating personnel, the range of knowledge and experiences that the applicant has, and the applicant’s potential to fit in the culture and organization of the company.

Step 4: Determine the overall rating. This can be done by computing or summing up the ratings given to each item, and identifying which among the ratings is the overall evaluation score of the applicant.

Step 5: State comments and suggestions, and sign the form. Comments about the evaluation score of the applicant and the recommendation of whether or not the applicant must be accepted in the organization or the company are necessary to be stated in the form.

After the form is completed, the other documents that the applicant or the candidate have submitted must be attached to the form and be recorded. This is to allow the other members of the selection and approval committee to make a decision in lieu of the applicant’s application and eligibility.

Student Teacher Candidate Evaluation Form

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Teacher Candidate Evaluation Form

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Size: 496 KB


Varieties of Free Candidate Evaluation Forms

Candidate Evaluation and Recommendation Form – This form is not only to be filled out by one evaluating personnel but the whole members of the screening committee of an organization, and for identifying the final list of candidates to be considered for the position. There are four parts of the form which should be completed. The first part specifies the type of search committee model which was used in evaluating the candidates while the second part details the assessments of the committee towards the candidate. In the third part of the form, the list of candidates and the reasons of the committee for ranking the candidates will be defined. And lastly, the fourth part of the form will indicate the verification, the approvals, and the affirmation of the screening committee to the evaluation that they have conducted.

Candidate Evaluation and Recommendation Form

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Size: 76 KB


Candidate Interview Evaluation Form – This is the variety of candidate evaluation form which is to be used by an interviewer after interviewing an applicant for a position. The form contains a list of questions about the applicant’s responses, behavior, and interests during the interview. In addition, the name of the interview will also have to be stated in the form as well as his comments about each aspect of the applicant that he evaluated.

Candidate Interview Evaluation Form

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Candidate Post-Interview Evaluation Form – Compared to the aforementioned candidate evaluation forms, this document is not intended to be used by the interviewer or the selection committee, rather by the applicant or the candidate who was being interviewed. The form will allow the organization in determining which areas must be improved by their selection committee in order to conduct a more valuable and effective process in selecting and assessing applicants. In the form, the applicant can opt to either state his name or not, however, he must indicate the date when he was interviewed to determine the identity of who the applicant’s interviewer was. Moreover, the comfortability of the applicant throughout the whole interview will be rated in the evaluation form as well as whether there were offensive questions asked during the interview and if there was an incident of intimidation showed by the interviewer.

Candidate Post-Interview Evaluation Form

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Size: 4 KB


Employment Candidate Evaluation Form – The human resource and the hiring manager of a business company will be the users of this form variety. Specifically, an employment candidate evaluation form will be for indicating the ratings and the evaluations that the hiring personnel of the company gives to a job applicant. The first section of the form will state the job title that the applicant is applying for, the name of the applicant, the applicant’s contact information, and the interview date. The notes and the observations of the hiring personnel will be stated in the second section while the third section is where the items to be rated are enlisted.

Employment Candidate Evaluation Form

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Size: 4 KB


General Candidate Evaluation Form

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Size: 70 KB


Candidate Rating Evaluation Form

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  • XLS

Size: 10 KB


Candidate evaluation forms must be kept and be documented as confidential items, and these must only be accessed by those who are included in the process of selecting the final applicants who will be accepted in the company or organization. Most importantly, the form must only be used by someone who is an expert in assessing and in filtering applicants to ensure that those who are listed as potentials are indeed suitable for the roles and responsibilities to be filled in.

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