speech evaluation form

A Speech is the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience or any type of communication expressed by word of mouth. Generally, a speech can be expressed in different forms or manners and has been divided into 4 different types: Informative, Demonstrative, Persuasive, and Entertaining.

In order to help develop the competence of an individual’s public speaking skills, a Speech Evaluation is necessary for them to gain feedback and to further hone themselves. Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of opportunities outside of public speaking programs or school curricula that allow a person to get a more precise feedback of his speech skills. Check out our free Evaluation Forms for your easy access.

Persuasive Speech Evaluation Form

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Size: 40 KB


Informative Speech Evaluation Form

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Size: 5 KB


Individual Speech Evaluation Form

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Size: 20 KB


Public Speaking Evaluation Form

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Size: 20 KB


Peer Speech Evaluation Form

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Size: 5 KB


By using a Speech Evaluation Form or Presentation Evaluation Forms, public speakers, instructors, or an evaluator can properly and objectively assess the different aspects of a speech such as rating the overall performance, determining the speaker’s goal through the content of the speech, assessing the speaker’s delivery skills, and vice versa.

As with other evaluations, conducting a Speech Evaluation can be a tricky process as you need to be able to effectively assess a person’s presentation in order to provide objective feedback. Below are a list of aspects that one should consider when evaluating a public speech.

Assess the Type of Speech

Understanding the goal of a speech is critical for its listeners to catch up with what the speaker is trying to convey. Is the objective of the speech meant to inform, to create a demonstration, to persuade, or to entertain? After determining the objective of the speaker, you can then assess if he was able to achieve it in the way that the speech was presented.

Speech Content and Structure

A good speaker and writer knows that write-ups and speeches should be able to provide information that surrounds the topic, is organized, and follow the proper structure. By structure, we mean that a speech needs to have a good opening, an organized body, and a proper conclusion.

Speech Therapy Re-Evaluation Form

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Size: 120 KB


Speech Self-Evaluation Form

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Size: 80 KB


Speech Contest Evaluation Form

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Size: 30 KB


Speech Delivery Evaluation Form

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  • DOC

Size: 5 KB


Short Speech Evaluation Form Example

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Size: 100 KB


Simple Speech Evaluation Form

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  • XLS

Size: 19 KB



When assessing a speaker’s opening statement in a Performance Evaluation Form, evaluators typically want to assess how the speaker was able to effectively draw the audience into the speech or if he was able to make an impact. Questions like “Was the opening memorable?” or “Was a question or a story used to open the speech?” are typically asked by an evaluator to gauge the performance of a presenter’s introduction.


The body of a speech should be focused on the theme or the objective of the speech and may be provided by supporting arguments. Another aspect that an evaluator looks into to determine if the body of the speech was effective, is to listen in and see if the thought of the speaker was properly organized and was the transition of one topic to another smooth.


Like the introduction of a speech, a conclusion needs to be memorable and be effectively able to stress the objective of the theme, give the presentation a sense of completeness, and leave a good final impression on its listeners.

Delivery Skills

The delivery of a speech is another vital aspect of a presentation. Was the presenter enthusiastic in giving out the speech? Was appropriate humor used? Did it coincide with the type of objective the speaker was supposed to convey?

Another aspect of assessing the delivery techniques would be to see if the speaker was not fidgeting, or checking if proper eye contact was made. Also, was the speaker’s voice audible enough, and was the speech carried out at a moderate pace?

Giving out a speech can be a thrilling yet nerve-wracking experience. However, constant and consistent evaluations can help improve an individual’s speaking skills and construct more effective speeches in the future.

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