employee clearance formss

An Employee Clearance Form is a crucial document used during the process of an employee’s exit from an organization. This guide provides comprehensive examples and detailed instructions to ensure a smooth transition for both the employer and the employee. By incorporating Employee Form and Clearance Form terminology, this article helps clarify the purposes and procedures involved, emphasizing the importance of completing all necessary steps to safeguard both parties’ interests and settle any outstanding obligations

What is Employee Clearance Form?

An Employee Clearance Form is a document that must be completed by an employee who is leaving a company, either voluntarily or involuntarily. This form ensures that the employee returns all company property, settles outstanding financial obligations, and completes any final work tasks. It serves as a formal checklist to help both the employee and the organization ensure that nothing is overlooked during the separation process, safeguarding the interests of both parties.

Employee Clearance Format

Employee Details

  • Employee Name: ___________________
  • Department: ___________________
  • Date of Resignation: ___________________

Clearance Checklist

  • Company Property Returned: Yes / No
  • Outstanding Dues Cleared: Yes / No
  • Work Handover Complete: Yes / No


  • Supervisor Signature: ___________________
  • HR Signature: ___________________
  • Employee Signature: ___________________

Employee Clearance Form Template

Access our comprehensive Employee Clearance Form Template to streamline the exit process. Ensure completion of all requirements, including the Application Clearance Form, to safeguard company assets and information. You also browse our Exit Clearance Form

Employee Clearance Form PDF

Download our ready-to-use Employee Clearance Form PDF, designed to facilitate smooth transitions out of employment. This form ensures compliance and includes a School Clearance Form section for educational institution employees.

Employee Clearance Form For Employment

This specialized Employee Clearance Form for Employment is crucial for finalizing all work-related responsibilities before leaving a job, including completion of the Student Clearance Form for interns or student workers.

Printable Employee Clearance Form

Utilize our printable Employee Clearance Form to efficiently manage the employee offboarding process. This form includes necessary sections such as the Medical Clearance Form, critical for roles involving health-related work conditions.

More Employee Clearance Form Samples

Employee Exit Clearance Form Samples

Employee Exit Clearance Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 75 KB


Employee Exit Clearance Checklist Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 414 KB


Employee Interview Exit Clearance Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 149 KB


Blank Employee Exit Clearance Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 227 KB


Employee Loan Clearance Forms

Blank Employee Loan Clearance Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 24 KB


Employee Loan Clearance Form Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 26 KB


Employee Clearance Certificate Forms

Employee Separation Clearance Certificate Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 107 KB


Employee Staff Clearance Certificate Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 265 KB



What is an Employee Clearance Form?

Requirements given by the company for an employee to accomplish are not just the ones that are submitted when they get in for employment. There are also few requirements that are needed to be submitted before they get out (or leave permanently). One of these few requirements is an Employee Clearance Form.

An employee clearance form of a resigning employee is not given unless a resignation letter is submitted. Submitting a resignation letter is also a formal way in bidding a company goodbye, unlike those employees who suddenly disappear without proper notice or information given to the company.

A great example for this is the “Absence Without Leave” or AWOL. Besides the resignation letter, an employee feedback form is also one of the ways for the company to be aware why their employees are leaving.

An employee clearance form is not only provided for those employees who are resigning, but also for those who were terminated or transferred to a different department. This is the last requirement that the employee should comply before leaving permanently. An employee clearance form is mainly composed of the following:

  • the employee’s personal information such as the name, contact details, address, email account
  • the employment details such as the employee number, position/title, department, employment period (date started and date ended)
  • the specification of the company’s properties (such as materials, equipment, tools, supplies that were handed to the employee during his/her period of employment) that are needed to be returned or turned over
  • the signatures that are required from different heads from different departments
  • the date signed from the different department should be indicated as well
  • the affixed signature together with the name of the employee as a consent that all provided information is/are true
  • the date signed of the employee as  a reference for human resource manager to when the clearance form is filed

In this article you will find examples of how an employee clearance form is written and how it is being formatted. Refer to these and take time in browsing each to have more understanding on how to make or fill out the form.

Filling Out an Employee Clearance Form

The employee clearance form does not require much time in filling it out. In fact, all you need to do is to fill in the space provided with the appropriate information that is/are asked. Do this and you are free to go, not unless the human resource manager says so. Here are the following that you need in accomplishing a clearance form:

  • your personal information
  • your employment details
  • signatures and date signed from each department as a confirmation that you are cleared and have returned everything
  • the GO signal from human resource department that you are free to go

Processing your clearance form is easy, as long as you comply with everything that you are required to do such as returning the properties of the company in a good condition (the same way you got them). But if it is proven or found out that damages of the properties are on you, then expect for your clearance form to be held for few more days. It depends on the company on what consequences they will give, but most companies would require the employee for a replacement.

Importance of Employee Clearance Forms

A clearance form for employees does not just benefit the company or the employer, but also the employees. Here are few of the reasons why:

  • Filling out and submitting the form is a formal way or a sign of respect of the employee towards his/her employer.
  • The form can be used as a references that the employee has a clean record from the company.
  •  The form somehow tells that the employee is confident enough to admit that he/she is responsible or liable for the damages that found caused to the properties (in case that there are any).
  • The form symbolizes that the employee have nothing against the managers/heads and co-workers, leaving the company with no hard feelings.

When the form is submitted and is approved by the company, the employee are no longer part of the organization. But his/her records are documented for future references. If the employee has an outstanding performance in the company, the employer could use his/her records to recommend him/her to other employers.

But of course a consent from the employee must be guaranteed. Another reason why the employee benefits form the clearance form is for the employee to be confident to use the company or any manager head as his/her character reference/s when applying for other job.

Moreover, clearance forms that employees are required to submit are not just clearance forms for exit, but also medical clearance forms which will be briefly discussed with other different kinds of clearance forms as you go further this article.

Employee No Dues Clearance Forms

Employee No Dues Clearance Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 302 KB


Employee No Dues Clearance Certificate Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 25 KB


Employee Separation Clearance Forms

Blank Employee Separation Clearance Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 8 KB


Employee Separation and Property Clearance Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 419 KB


Employee Final Clearance Forms

College Employee Final Clearance Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 282 KB


Staff Employee Final Clearance Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 275 KB


Employee Termination Clearance Form

College Employee Termination Clearance Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 27 KB


Employee Departure Clearance Form

Blank Employee Departure Clearance Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 146 KB


Employee Medical Clearance Form

Employee Medical Health Clearance Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 58 KB


Hospital Employee Medical Clearance Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 280 KB


Employee Campus Clearance Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 32 KB


Professional Employee Clearance Form

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 5.5 KB


How to Get a Clearance Form?

  1. Identify Requirement: Determine which type of clearance form you need, such as a Dental Medical Clearance Form for health-related clearances.
  2. Request Form: Obtain the Clearance Request Form from your HR department or relevant office.
  3. Complete Form: Fill out the form with accurate information and any required documentation.
  4. Submit Form: Return the completed form to the designated authority for processing.

How Long Does It Take to Get Clearance for a Job?

  1. Application Submission: Submit your Security Clearance Form as early as possible.
  2. Review Process: Expect a review period which can range from a few weeks to several months, depending on the clearance level.
  3. Approval: Clearance timing varies but be prepared for it to take several months for high-security positions.

How Many Levels of Clearance Are There?

  1. Confidential: The basic level of clearance.
  2. Secret: A mid-level clearance required for positions handling sensitive information.
  3. Top Secret: The highest level, for those needing access to highly sensitive information.

What is a Clearance for a Resigned Employee?

A Resignation Clearance Form is used to ensure that employees leaving the company return all company property, settle outstanding accounts, and complete necessary paperwork to officially end their employment.

What is a Clearance Form for Work?

A Work Clearance Form is a document used to certify that an employee has completed all job-related responsibilities and is cleared of any obligations before leaving a job or starting a new role within the same company.

What Disqualifies You from a Clearance?

  1. Financial Issues: Significant debt or poor credit can disqualify.
  2. Criminal History: A criminal record may lead to disqualification.
  3. Substance Abuse: Drug or excessive alcohol use can be disqualifying factors.
  4. False Information: Providing false information on the Company Clearance Form.

How Does a Company Hold a Clearance?

  1. Issue Clearance: A company issues a Company Exit Clearance Form when an employee leaves.
  2. Track Compliance: The company ensures all company property is returned and any obligations are fulfilled.
  3. Update Records: Update employment records to reflect the employee’s clearance status.

These steps and keywords ensure a comprehensive guide to understanding and managing clearance forms in various employment contexts.

What is a Clearance Form?

A clearance form, such as the Clearance Form for Employees, ensures that an employee has returned all company property and settled all duties before leaving the organization.

How Long Does a Secret Clearance Take?

Obtaining a secret clearance can typically take from several months up to a year, depending on background checks and the complexity of the Clearance Application Form.

Do I Still Have Security Clearance After Leaving Job?

Security clearance generally expires when you leave the job that required it unless transferred or reinstated within two years via a Staff Clearance Form.

How Long is a Clearance Letter Good For?

The validity of a clearance letter, like those used for Medical Clearance Daycare, can vary, but typically it is valid for 6 to 12 months from the issue date.

How Much Does a Clearance Cost?

The cost of obtaining a clearance varies greatly depending on the level and type, but it can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars.

How to Ask for Early Release After Resigning?

  1. Submit a formal request using the Employee Bio Data Form.
  2. Clearly state the reasons for the early release.
  3. Be professional and courteous in your communication.

What Does It Mean to Get Clearance From Someone?

Getting clearance from someone means obtaining formal permission or approval, often documented through an Employee Information Form, for actions or decisions in a professional setting.

Explore essential templates and examples of Employee Clearance Forms to manage the offboarding process efficiently. Our resources, including Employee Reimbursement Form samples, ensure that all procedural requirements are met, facilitating a clear and comprehensive exit process for employees.

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