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An evaluation refers to an act of doing a judgment with an individual’s qualities. Employee Evaluation is used by companies to view an employee’s progress towards work. Companies often tie the employee’s salary and bonuses to the grade of their performance evaluation. This will assess the employees and remind them of the varying expectations from their managers for their work attitude.

Employee Evaluation Forms will contain the basic details of an employee with the specific date he was hired and the department where he is assigned. These evaluations are mostly done on a yearly basis, either in the first quarter or the last quarter of the year.

Annual Employee Evaluation Forms

Annual Employee Evaluation Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 24 KB


Annual Employee Self Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 83 KB


Annual Performance Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 59 KB


New Employee Evaluation Forms

New Employee Performance Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 198 KB


Staff Introductory Period Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 16 KB


Restaurant Employee Evaluation Forms

Restaurant Employee Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 8 KB


Restaurant Employee Quarterly Evaluation Form

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 53 KB


Why Use an Employee Evaluation Form?

The main purpose of the Employee Evaluation Form is to document every observation and keep it as part of the employee’s records. The importance of having an annual employee evaluation is to aid in decision-making for having a promotion, a raise in the salary, and adding incentives as rewards for the employees.

Some companies allow the employees rate themselves with the help of the Employee Self-Evaluation Forms. This form will help the managers be reminded of an employee’s accomplishments. Although evaluations are critical, a well-answered Self-Evaluation Form will have an amount of influence to the manager’s own rating towards an employee.

What can be evaluated in an Annual Employee Evaluation Form?

An Annual Employee Evaluation Form may only be a one-sheet document, but it will speak a lot about an individual that is being observed for a specific range of months. The evaluation should not have redundant areas, as it will confuse the person who will compute the ratings. So, what would a manager expect to rate in an employee evaluation form?

The employee’s strengths and weaknesses. The strengths and weaknesses of an employee will help the company know if he is capable of meeting the job descriptions. The company may conduct a training that will enhance the employee’s skills and turn his weakness into a new source of strength.

The employee’s development. From the very first day that an employee is hired, the manager should be able to know what the employee’s progress are. His ability to cope up with the team and his skills which were becoming evident and useful due to the training that he attended are some of the developments that a manager should keep track for the evaluation.

The employee’s achieved goals. Every day there are new tasks to be accomplished and previous projects to be finished. The manager should be able to tally the finished projects of an employee to know if he will be granted an incentive or any type of reward. In the evaluation, the manager may indicate if the employee was able to meet the deadlines of the projects or if he is moving slowly in his work.

When an employee becomes a “Top Performer” of a certain quarter of the year, he is more likely to have a positive rating in the evaluation. However, this does not mean that his ratings will remain high if his progress is slowing down during the following quarters.

Free Employee Evaluation Forms

Free Employee Review Evaluation Form

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  • PDF

Size: 84 KB


Job Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 115 KB


Employee Evaluation Forms

General Employee Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 14 KB


Supervisor Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 37 KB


Maintenance Employee Evaluation Form

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 12 KB


Staff Employee Evaluation Forms

Staff Performance Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 163 KB


Self Appraisal Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 56 KB


Child Care Employee Evaluation Forms

Child Care Employee Performance Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 52 KB


Child Care Center Employee Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 41 KB


Evaluation Form for Child Care

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 275 KB


Child Care Staff Evaluation Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 9 KB


Types of Employee Evaluation Forms

The Employee Evaluation Forms vary only by the employee’s position and by the specific time frames allotted for observations. Here are the different types of Employee Evaluation Forms:

New Employee Evaluation – this evaluation contains only the basic expectations of a manager from a newly hired employee. This may also be done during the employee’s training period.

Probationary Employee Evaluation Form – Probation is a certain period where an employee needs to prove his capacity that he is suitable for the job given to him. In the enclosed date, the management may terminate the employee at any time if he shows incompetence in his work. The manager may use a 30-day Probationary Employee Evaluation form or a 90-day Employee Evaluation form depending on the probationary contract signed by the management and the employee.

Quarterly Evaluation Form – This type of form sets a quarterly scheduled employee evaluation in the company. Some companies give rewards, such as certificates, to the employees who are showing exemplary work results and attitudes. When an employee is able to continue being a top performer per quarter, his annual evaluation will grant him a chance of having high ratings from the manager or supervisor.

Annual Employee Evaluation Form – This evaluation will be used by the company on a yearly basis. This covers all the results from the different quarterly ratings which will be a guide to deciding who among the employees are qualified for a new position or a promotion.

Employee Self-Evaluation Form – Compared to a normal evaluation form where the manager or the supervisor is the one who will rate the employee, this type of form is to be rated by the employee himself. To attain accuracy, mostly found in the form is about the accomplished tasks that he was able to meet.

This will also help the manager to know the side or the opinion of the employees, whether they are satisfied with how the tasks are being divided or if they have any suggestions that may help boost their effectiveness.

Self Appraisal Evaluation Form – This evaluation form is to be completed by an employee who is requesting for a raise in his salary. He should state or indicate the ratings that he will give himself that will show his qualifications for the appraisal.

Job Evaluation Form – this form centers on the job position of an employee, whether he has been promoted or has been staying in the same position since then. The reasons why an employee had been promoted will be stated in this evaluation form.

There are evaluation forms who targets specific positions, such as a Maintenance Employee Evaluation Form which will be focused on the maintenance staff of the company; the Manager Performance Evaluation Form and the Supervisor Evaluation Form focuses on rating the performances of the employees in higher positions.

Student Employee Evaluation Forms

Sample Student Employee Evaluation Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 11 KB


Student Employee Performance Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 189 KB


Student Employee Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 35 KB


Evaluation Form for Student Employee

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 50 KB


90 Day Employee Evaluation Forms

90 Day Performance Appraisal Form

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 37 KB


90 Day Employee Performance Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 450 KB


90 Day Employee Performance Evaluation in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 96 KB


Probationary Employee Evaluation Forms

Probationary Employee Performance Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 137 KB


30 Day Probationary Employee Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 95 KB


Sample Probationary Employee Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 65 KB


Manager Performance Evaluation Forms

Manager Performance Evaluation

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 240 KB


Employee Evaluation Form Sample

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 35 KB


Tips for an Efficient Employee Evaluation

If you are a manager who needs to evaluate a number of employees for the first time, then you should remember these tips that you should consider when rating an employee:

Be straight to the point. This refers to your ability in discussing the problem with the help of the evaluation form. The ratings should mirror how the employee is able to do his work, and not on your own perception. Honesty is the key for easy communication between you and your employees.

Avoid comparing to others. Yes, it is an evaluation, but this does not mean that you need to base your ratings on another person who has been with the company for years already. You should only compare the employee to his previous self, the way he handled work when he was a newly hired personnel from how he is coping with every project currently. This will help you, as the manager, to see his unique improvements.

Suggest. When you see the areas that an employee needs to improve, clearly state those areas with some suggestions that may help him deal with his weakness. You may also have a training session that will target each employee’s low areas.

Comment alternately. Avoid stating negative comments all at once, do it alternately with the positive comments to lighten up the mood of the form.

Show his potential. Every individual has dreams to catch, and whether you remember an employee’s plans for the future or not, you should state a few cues of potential in him. This will encourage him to do more and face his failures openly.

Set a goal. As a manager, you are also evaluated by the way your employees work. This means that when an employee fails, you should be able to face and fix the problems. Therefore, you should set goals with associated rewards to meet your quota together with your team.

No matter what type of Employee Evaluation a company is going to use, the important thing is having the objective of helping an employee improve over a span of time. The evaluation form will help the management keep track of having useful employees, but what if an employee have a few complaints as to how the management runs the company? With the help of an Employee Complaint Form, the protests and annoyance of an employee will be addressed to the management which will help in the company’s improvements.

However, there are few employees who tend to move in their own way in letting the management know their protestations through acting violently which are against the company’s rule book. In this case, the company may send an Employee Disciplinary Action Form to that person to remind him about the rules and regulations that he agreed on his contract.

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