free training evaluation forms

The importance of evaluation form within a company is in relation to the probability of an employee’s success in their work performance. The company heavily relies on the performance of their employee since they help lead the business to a state of success. With that, evaluation forms are used by any kind of business.

The evaluation form lists down items that guide the appointed evaluator which is usually the manager, supervisor, department head the employees answer to. The utilization of this important document records relevant information that can help improve the way the employee performs in the company which in turn also helps out the company.

Leadership Training Evaluation Forms

Leadership Training Evaluation Example

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Size: 125 KB


Sample Leadership Training Evaluation

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Size: 78 KB


Leadership Introductory Training

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Size: 136 KB


What Are the Four Levels of Training Evaluation?

From the utilization of documents such as Workshop Evaluation Forms to the implementation of a training program, a company takes a systematic approach to its different aspects. When it comes to the training evaluation, it follows a systematic and organized process developed by Donald Kirkpatrick.

Kirkpatrick introduced the four levels of the training evaluation which starts with the reaction, learning, behavior, and results. Reactions consist of the insights obtained from training. Learning involved the degree of knowledge attained by the employees.

Behavior focuses on the change of behavior of the employees after the training session. Results are all about the tangible results coming from the training and its corresponding effectiveness towards the employees and company.

How to Create a Training Evaluation Form

When a training evaluation form is planned to be made, the designated individual should take note of what is the correct format to follow and what is the appropriate st of content to include in the training evaluation form.

If Teacher Evaluation Forms are needed to be made,  the content focuses on evaluating the different aspects of a teacher’s performance. In a general training evaluation form, the individual creating it should keep it short and make it fit into one page if it is applicable. The questions to be answered in the form should be in relation to the objectives of the established training form.

Training Workshop Evaluation Forms

Teacher Training Workshop

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Size: 97 KB


Sample Workshop Training

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Size: 250 KB


Workshop Training Evaluation Form in Doc

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  • DOC

Size: 9 KB


Training Effectiveness Evaluation Form

Example of Training Effectiveness

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Size: 31 KB


Difference Between Training Assessment and Evaluation

There are concepts in any field or study that presents themselves as the same thing or appear to be similar to an ordinary person who encounters them. It is understandable as to why one might mistake one concept for the other.

This is an opportune moment to help that person learn about why they seem to be similar to each other and what are the unique characteristics that set them apart.

When it comes to the concept of assessment, it is defined as the procedure of an individual utilizing an objective approach of understanding the state of an object, person, or situation with the use of observation and measurement techniques.

In some situations, the aim of an assessment is to collect information relevant to a person’s progress in learning and achievement with a given amount of time in order to track down the improvement of progress in the trained skill or ability. The assessment is typically associated with the academic or educational setting.

On the other hand, an evaluation is generally thought of as the process of creating judgment about an individual’s work. It differs from the assessment process in the sense that it involves the process of determining the value of a particular object, person, or concept.

This can be done by putting against another factor for comparison or using a particular standard as a basis for the evaluation process. Different forms are developed in order to evaluate the various aspects in a particular setting such as event evaluation formssupplier evaluation forms, or a volleyball evaluation form.

The decision to choose between the process of assessment or the process of evaluation can depend entirely on the situation on hand and what is deemed best in measuring its outcome and effectiveness. In the end, both processes give an individual results on the object being measured.

Training Evaluation Questionnaire Form

Post-Training Evaluation Questionnaire

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Size: 31 KB


Post Education and Training Evaluation Questionnaire

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  • DOC

Size: 379 KB


Workshop Training Evaluation Questionnaire Form

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Size: 5 KB


Employee Post Training Effectiveness Evaluation Form

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Size: 63 KB


Employee Development Training Evaluation Form

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Size: 192 KB


What Is Pre-Training Evaluation?

The evaluation process of a training program can incur a phase before going into the actual training program. This phase is referred to as the pre-training evaluation. In the evaluation form, the pre training evaluation can be found in a section which has items that ask about one’s expectations for the training program.

For example, in student evaluation forms, the student may be asked the expectations of the training program, the skills and abilities he or she would like to learn, and his or her current level of skill or ability. This section gives a basis for comparison when the actual outcome of the training program has been gathered.

How to Make a Training Evaluation Form

The creation and development of a training evaluation form is easier than one might initially expect. The format of the training evaluation form is presented in a simple manner and is seen as a short form since the items correlate to the subject or concept being trained. The items or questions found in the form are close ended in nature.

This would mean that these questions have answers that are limited to answers given by the creators of the form. When it comes to course evaluation forms, the course is properly evaluated with the related questions and the choices that show its effectiveness to the participants of the training program.

Employee Training Evaluation Forms

New Employee Training Evaluation Form

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Size: 399 KB


Employee Performance Training Evaluation Form

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Size: 38 KB


Course Training Evaluation Forms

End of Course Training Evaluation Form

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Size: 20 KB


Web Based Training Course Evaluation Form

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Size: 8 KB


Industrial Training Evaluation Form

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Size: 376 KB


Practical Training Evaluation Form

Sample Practical Training Evaluation Form

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Size: 135 KB


Child Training Evaluation Forms

Child Welfare Trauma Training Evaluation Form

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Size: 38 KB


Child Care Training Evaluation Form

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Size: 71 KB


Guidelines for Conducting a Training Evaluation

The most common step when a designated evaluator conducts a training evaluation is to prepare the necessary documents  associated with the procedure. If the event to be evaluated is a conference event, organizers create and prepare a conference evaluation form to be completed.

When the participants of  the training program is the focus of the evaluation process, a number of copies of a  group evaluation form is produced and distributed to the appointed evaluator.

An evaluator for a training program should consider other factors besides the necessary documents to be filled up, completed, and submitted. A factor to be considered is the purpose of the training program. The evaluator checks if the outcome has successfully accomplished the initial purpose of the training program.

The evaluator is also responsible for developing and choosing the appropriate measuring instrument for the evaluation process. Despite the aforementioned step, the document should be checked if it is tailored towards the specific factor to be measured in the training program.

A reason for conducting a performance evaluation process on the training program is enumerated in order to be see the company’s expectation or goal to be met in regards to the established training and evaluation process. These reasons may range from compensation, promotions, and employee training and feedback.

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