student evaluation form samples

A lot of people dread hearing the word evaluation. To many, an evaluation may feel like an exam or a test; however, an evaluation is more than that. An evaluation is actually a systematic process of assessing an individual’s merit or worth based on a standard set of criteria.

Evaluations are long-term goals and are conducted at a particular period of time. The main purpose of having one is for a school, a company, an organization, or an employer to gain insight into an individual’s performance, to determine an individual’s strength, and to assist or work out weaknesses.

Also see: Evaluation Forms

Student Self Evaluation Form

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Student Teacher Evaluation Form

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Size: 555 KB


Student Presentation Evaluation Form

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Size: 7 KB


Student Placement Evaluation Form

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Size: 103 KB


Student Project Evaluation Form

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Size: 22 KB


Student Evaluations

When a student is being evaluated, teachers usually look at a broad range of activities and tasks such as observations, worksheets, essays, presentations, group work, performances, and exams.

Teachers mainly evaluate a student to gauge their level of education – what they have learned and the outcome of their learning. By doing periodic evaluations, an educator becomes well-informed about their teaching, what needs to be taught next, and what needs to be focused on. Evaluations also help teachers assess what knowledge or skills have been taught to a student.

Also see: Student Evaluation Forms

Steps to Achieving an Objective Student Evaluation

Evaluations can be one of the most threatening steps for an inexperienced teacher; therefore, it is crucial that you carefully plan and outline your Student Evaluations.

Tests or Exams

Testing your students is a diagnostic tool that helps you determine the type of information that your students already know and at the same time gives students feedback. Test or exams can be given to students in different formats:

Types of Tests That Will Help You Evaluate Your Students

Matching Questions

These type of examinations are helpful in determining a student’s ability to recognize relationships between pairs of words or words and definitions.


Essay exams are considered to be the most difficult and time-consuming type of examinations; however, they are deemed to be the most effective type of test because they allow a student to organize, evaluate, and think – making it a good way to gauge a student’s level of understanding in a particular topic.

Student Internship Evaluation Form

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Size: 51 KB


Student Peer Evaluation Form

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Size: 11 KB


Medical Student Performance Evaluation Form

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Size: 385 KB


Elementary Student Teaching Evaluation Form

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Size: 84 KB


Work Experience of Student Evaluation Form

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Size: 453 KB


Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice type of tests helps a teacher determine a student’s ability to interpret graphs, tables, charts, and related material. Multiple Choice types of test are fairly common but difficult to construct.

Build a Clear Criteria for Grading

A teacher can measure the effectiveness of her teaching and how well her students are learning based on the grades given to a student. All students want good grades and they want to know exactly how they can get good grades. Setting proper expectations among your students will help reduce the anxiety that students feel about grades.

When grading a student’s tests, essays, or quizzes, make sure that everything is well-written, balanced, and clear. Create a fair and reasonable grading process that is applied fairly and objectively to all students and provide constructive feedback so that your student will know and understand their results and help them improve.

Also see: Teacher Evaluation Forms

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