student evaluation forms

One way to ensure that students are learning and gaining knowledge in school is by conducting student evaluations that will help teachers in gauging a student’s level of comprehension. Student evaluations can be conducted through different methods depending on the focus.

You can choose from our wide array of student evaluation forms that come in Doc and PDF formats. Our sample student evaluation forms are easily accessible to help you download and print your evaluation tools with just the click of a button.

Student Nurse Evaluation Form

Student Clinical Nurse Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 110 KB


Student Teacher Evaluation Forms

Early Childhood Education Student Teaching Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 214 KB


Education Student Teacher Evaluation Form

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Size: 164 KB


Student Teaching Evaluation Form in PDF

File Format
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Size: 39 KB


Mentor’s Student-Teacher Evaluation Form

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Size: 30 KB


Student Presentation Evaluation Forms

Example of Student Presentation Evaluation Form

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Size: 7 KB


Student Oral Presentation Evaluation Form

File Format
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Size: 20 KB


Student PowerPoint Presentation Evaluation Form

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Size: 42 KB


Student Group Presentation Evaluation Form

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Size: 100 KB


Student Course Evaluation Forms

Student Course Evaluation Questionnaire

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 230 KB


School Student Course Evaluation Form

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Size: 199 KB


Student Course Evaluation Form in PDF

File Format
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Size: 281 KB


Student evaluations are useful tools that provide insight for modifying, planning, or assessing a student’s performance, course, or level of understanding. When conducted consistently, periodically, and in an objective manner, student evaluations provide the opportunity to address issues pertaining to a student’s way of learning.

An Evaluation, also dubbed as assessment, is the systematic identification of a subject’s worth and significance based on a governed set of standards. Evaluations are integral tools used for academic purposes, for business, and are even employed for personal uses such as in evaluating family relationships.

Evaluations can also aid companies, institutions, organizations, universities, students, classes, employees, programs, and many other projects and activities in order to determine if goals were achieved as well as to realize weaknesses, to encourage dynamic growth, and to act as an auxiliary in formulating decisions.

An Evaluation is a method of reflection and is meant to provide an insight into the things that – intentionally or unintentionally – happen within the workplace, a community, a group, or an individual.

Despite the many negative reactions received when students are informed of an evaluation, the results that are reaped from them are incredibly useful and important. The evaluation process itself can prove to be challenging and tedious. Evaluations, on the other hand, promote growth and development and motivate subjects into performing better next time. Here are a few reasons why evaluations can create a positive impact in class:

  • Gives instructors a chance to make or create a different method for imparting lessons.
  • Helps educators set up a set standard and objective.
  • The evaluations can improve communication with the students.
  • Allows the transmittal of feedback.
  • Allows the teachers to get know the level of understanding a student has.
  • Lets teachers devise and apply the most appropriate and effective teaching method.
  • Allows teachers to distinguish changes or modifications to a lesson as needed to help the student.
  • Lets teachers determine a student’s performance base.
  • To be able to understand the needs of a student within his or her class.
  • Helps educators perform in a way that knowledge, understanding, and mastery are being imparted.
  • Evaluates progress.
  • To keep teachers up to date with the current progress of the student.
  • Relates to a student’s progress.
  • To be able to understand the current knowledge the student has.
  • Allows a demonstration of a student’s set of skills.
  • Motivates performance.

Student Peer Evaluation Forms

Student Quick Peer Evaluation Form

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  • PDF

Size: 390 kB


Student Peer Evaluation Sheet

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Size: 3 KB


Peer Work Group Evaluation Form

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Size: 5 KB


Student Project Peer Evaluation Form

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Size: 32 KB


School Student Evaluation Forms

School Common Confidential Student Evaluation Form

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Size: 95 KB


High School Student Evaluation Form

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Size: 37 KB


School-Related Student Trip Evaluation Form

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Size: 10 KB


School Student Counselor Performance Evaluation Form

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Size: 2 MB


Internship Student Evaluation Forms

Internship Supervisor Student Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 72 KB


Internship Student Self Evaluation Form

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Size: 544 KB


Internship Student Performance Evaluation Form

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Size: 175 KB


Preschool Student Evaluation Forms

Prospective Preschool Student Evaluation Form

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  • PDF

Size: 84 KB


Confidential Preschool Student Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 136 KB


With the many different types of activities done in school, in colleges, and in universities, there are also tons of options and ways for a teacher to measure a student’s level of understanding. The most common forms of student assessment are the Standardized and the Alternative types of assessment.

With the new methods today, it’s much easier to assess how well a student performs within the classroom. All we have to do is assess the grades of the student along with other necessary information from their teachers such as behavioral problems in the classroom. And things are much simpler since today’s modern technology easily allows us to go through the student’s records.

With all the tools we have at out disposal, we are now able to comprehend how learning is acquired and that it is through effective and critical thinking we are able to learn something rather than through sheer memorization.

1. Standardized Assessment – Every single school has a form that test that they have to make their students take in order to assess their level of competence. All of the questions in these tests are similar, with only a few exceptions that need to be modified in the event that the student has a learning disability. This ensures that all students who take the test have the same set of questions to get a better understanding of the knowledge they possess. It’s a government sanctioned test that’s required by every school to take up and each test depends on the year level of the student.

2. Alternative Assessment – Alternative assessments are also commonly known as real, authentic, and performance-based assessments. The factors that make up this type of student assessment are typically designed by teachers in order for them to gauge a student’s level of understanding in class and determine whether or not they were able to fully comprehend the type of lessons that have been discussed with in class. Examples of these measurements are open-ended questions, written compositions, oral presentations, projects, experiments, and portfolios of student work. Alternative assessments are designed so that the content of the evaluation coincides with the content of the instruction.

A student evaluation would be deemed useless and unnecessary if feedback is not given. Feedback is the process of providing results or findings of an assessment in order to regulate and encourage improvement to a student’s level of performance. The results of an alternative assessment also help teachers in the process of designing a much better and more effective model of instruction in order to promote better understanding and learning in class.

Alternative assessments that are done in class can come in the following forms:

  • Observation
  • Essays
  • Interviews
  • Performance tasks
  • Exams
  • Class discussion
  • Class participation
  • Exhibitions and demonstrations
  • Portfolios
  • Journals
  • Teacher-created tests
  • Rubrics
  • Self- and peer-evaluation

Student Self-Assessment

Student Self-Assessments help students to be involved and motivated in class. It also encourages them to take the time to think about their duties and obligations as a student in order for them to develop and enhance their learning.

A lot of assessment forms and student evaluation forms can be downloaded online; however, not all of them are able to cover the most vital elements that need to be included in a student self-evaluation form. You can download our assessment forms and self-assessment forms here to get reliable and foolproof templates in less than a minute.

Although student evaluations can be a tricky task – especially if you want to make an objective evaluation without having to appear conceited – they can also affect a teacher’s evaluation of you. Some schools take into account the results of a student’s evaluation. For example, a student’s evaluation can compromise at least 5% of the total student evaluation. Here’s a list of reasons why student self-evaluations are helpful:

  • Allows comparison of evaluations between a teacher and a student.
  • Aims to provide a timely and an effective feedback.
  • Allows self-monitoring and determining of one’s skills.
  • Allows quick evaluations of a student’s learning.
  • Enables teachers to provide feedback relating to a student’s learning.
  • Allows students to gauge their own level of understanding.
  • Increases the level of motivation the student needs to do better.
  • Helps students to harness various skills to help them meet the expectations of future employers.

How Do You Incorporate Student Self-Assessments in the Learning Place?

  • Figure out the tasks that a student must do and will be the basis for assessment.
  • Establish a set standard for criteria.
  • Let students know and understand what is expected of them.
  • Give the students different activities that will motivate them to perform better within the school.
  • Gives students an opportunity to take ownership of the criteria for their evaluations.
  • Allow the students to evaluate and discuss the different activities that he or she was given and how he or she was able to do them.
  • Allow the students to see their strengths and weaknesses while performing the project.
  • Give the students the necessary feedback on how well they did their work.

Incorporating Self-Assessment on students also needs to be strategically enhanced from time to time to motivate students and encourage them to provide a more objective-based evaluation.

A good example of that is to allow the student to give a presentation to his or her teachers and other audience members about a certain topic. Once it’s done, these teachers can properly assess all the components of the presentation.

Teachers can also create rubrics so they can provide more accurate and non-biased evaluations of the level of performance of their students.

Rubrics are generally created by teachers to gauge a student’s comprehension of material. Cases of these estimations are open-ended inquiries, composed arrangements, oral introductions, tasks, investigations, and an arrangement of a student’s work. Elective evaluations are composed so that the substance of the appraisal is equivalent to the substance of the direction.

Rubrics also work well for students because it allows them to know what is expected of them and does not leave them second-guessing on what it takes to get good marks. They also help students see that learning is about gaining specific skills and gives students the opportunity to do self-assessment to reflect on the learning process.

To summarize, rubrics are useful tools when conducting evaluations because they enable the listing down of proper and set criteria, allows multiple levels for gauging performance, and gives students the opportunity to monitor their progress better.

A teacher may provide copies of the rubric as well as provide them with models or examples to show the important aspects of the assignment. Through this method, students will be able to monitor their work and reflect on their progress to determine what needs to be improved.

Medical Student Evaluation Forms

Medical Student Professionalism Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 29 KB


Medical Student Performance Evaluation Form

File Format
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Size: 385 KB


Medical Student Clinical Elective Evaluation Form

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Size: 25 KB



Elementary Student Evaluation Forms

Elementary Education Student Teaching Evaluation Form

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Size: 85 KB


Elementary School Student Evaluation Form

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Size: 97 KB


Student Enrichment Elementary Evaluation Form

File Format
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Size: 34 KB


Student Project Evaluation Forms

Student Resume Project Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 KB


Basic Student Project Evaluation Form

File Format
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Size: 22 KB


Student Master Project Evaluation Form

File Format
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Size: 40 KB


Student Self Evaluation Forms

Group Work Student Self-Evaluation Form

File Format
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Size: 4 KB


Student Product Self-Evaluation Form

File Format
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Size: 32 KB


Graduate Student Self-Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 14 KB


Student Performance Evaluation Form in XLS

File Format
  • Xls

Size: 4 kB


Formal Student Presentation

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 4 KB


Other Types of Evaluation Forms

Teacher Evaluation Forms

A Teacher Evaluation refers to the formal process wherein a school rates and reviews the performance and effectiveness of a teacher in the classroom. The general purpose of a Teacher Evaluation is to ultimately provide feedback to teachers and help them work through their professional growth and development.

The factors used to evaluate a teacher vary according to details and requirements. Traditionally, Teacher Evaluations were conducted through classroom observations by principals or school administrators; in some instances, student’s work, teacher’s records, lesson plans, and other significant factors were also used to assess a teacher.

Course Evaluation Forms

Teachers spend most of their time in classrooms interacting with students. Therefore, it is crucial that a teacher is able to properly assess her quality of instruction to guarantee that she is an effective educator. Conducting Course Evaluations allows a teacher to determine the impact of learning on a student.

Course Evaluations are questionnaires that initiate a response from students through a set of questions in order to assess the instruction of a given course. Course Evaluation Forms allow instructors to review their teaching methods and enable administrators to make summative decisions or formative recommendations.

Steps to Structuring an Effective Course Evaluation

Regardless of what purpose you’re going to use your Course Evaluation for, it is crucial that your Evaluation Form is structured in a way that will elicit feedback that you wish to obtain. Below are some tips on how to create effective course evaluations:

Create Clear and Direct Questions

The first key step to constructing an effective evaluation is to provide questions that are clear and direct to your course curriculum. If you wish to obtain feedback on your teaching style, be sure to create questions about how the course was taught and ask students for feedback on how an instructor can better improve.

Be sure not to create questions that are long and dragging. Questions have to be clear and concise to avoid misinterpretations and to obtain clearer answers.

Vary Your Questioning Style

Make your Evaluation Form interesting by creating a varied style of questioning. Include questions that require single responses, questions that need multiple responses, questions that utilize rating scales, and questions that elicit general feedback and direct comments.

Provide a Proper Set of Instructions

One tip to make your Evaluation Form clearer and easier to understand is to provide a clear set of instructions for students to read. For example, if you include questions that allow students to rate you, indicate which figure is deemed to be the highest mark, and which one is considered the lowest rating. This way, confusion can be avoided and you are able to get proper results.

Keep It Short

Studies show that an individual’s attention span lasts only 15 minutes. Going beyond 15 minutes can be quite a drag for certain individuals. If you want to get proper feedback from students, it is best to keep Evaluation Forms short and concise. Be direct and tackle only aspects of your course that are necessary.

Make Course Evaluations Accessible

Another way to obtain better quality feedback from students is to make your Course Evaluations more accessible for them. By providing Evaluations Forms online, students can completely accomplish them at their own convenience.

Maintain Confidentiality

Ensure students that evaluations will remain strictly confidential. Some students may not feel comfortable giving out honest feedback if evaluations are not anonymous. Assuring them that their identity and their responses will be kept confidential will allow them to provide a more honest feedback.

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