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Sensory evaluation is a method used by companies in the food industry to test the quality of their products using the human senses (sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch). It can also mean the evaluation or assessment of the senses of a person to identify any sensory disorders, especially in children.

The preservation and utilization of our senses is important in our daily living. Without our senses, we would not be able to enjoy anything in life. This is why Sensory Evaluation Forms are so important, because they help companies in the food industry assess and evaluate how people perceive their product using their senses, which could help them provide better products in the market.

Sensory Processing Checklist Form

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Size: 130 KB


Sensory Evaluation Form for Food

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Size: 421 KB


Wine Sensory Evaluation Form

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Size: 279 KB


Sensory Test Method in Doc

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Size: 14 KB


Types of  Sensory Evaluation Forms

  • Sensory Processing Checklist Form: This is a checklist that contains items used for the assessment of a person’s senses and how well they respond, to identify any dysfunction or sensory processing disorder. This is also a helpful tool for parents and teachers to assess children and gain knowledge on different sensory processing disorders.
  • Sensory Evaluation Form for Food: This is used in the scientific analysis of food properties. This can be used when developing a new product or process, or enhancing a current product or process. It can also be used to determine the shelf-life, market value, and proper storage of a certain product.
  • Wine Sensory Evaluation Form: This is used in wine tasting. In wine tasting, they evaluate the wine’s appearance, aroma, flavor, and mouthfeel. This helps wineries develop new techniques in winemaking.

Constant evaluation is necessary in any company, especially in the food industry, as they develop new techniques and products, and maintain the quality of the ones they do have already. In line with this, Supplier Evaluation Forms are also applicable. They help to assess a company’s supplier, which is a vital part of any manufacturing company.

Sensory Laboratory Judge Form

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Size: 14 KB


Sensory Evaluation Form in PDF

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Size: 19 KB


Sensory Evaluation Form Example

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Size: 9 KB


Sensory Test Evaluation Form

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Size: 72 KB


Effective Sensory Evaluation Questions

  • Discrimination: The objective of these types of questions is to identify the differences in two or more products.
  • Description: Questions like this have the objective of describing the products in terms of taste, color, and texture, among others.
  • Preference: These questions are set to identify which products are preferred by the tasters, and would thereby help to determine which products would be well-liked and perceived positively by the consumers.

Importance of Sensory Evaluation

  • It can help companies in the food industry understand how their products are perceived by the consumers.
  • It can help them develop new products and techniques while maintaining the quality of the products and techniques that they do have.
  • It can help them determine the shelf-life, market value, and proper storage of their products.
  • It provides them with information that they can use to compare their products with that of a competitor. This helps any company stay ahead of a competitor, which is important because there is a lot of competition existing in any industry in this market.

Our senses are important and are powerful tools in determining what things are pleasant and unpleasant, which is why Sensory Evaluation is a great tool for maintaining quality and for the development of new products in a food industry company. You may also check our Event Evaluation Forms for evaluating events.

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