hotel feedback forms

Managing a hotel can be a tough task especially if the hotel consists of dozens or hundreds of employees and staff members. Issues and complaints may arise either from the hotel crew or the clients, and these must be addressed by the management immediately. However, not only the issues and downfalls of a hotel should be known by the management, but also the positive side such as the satisfaction of the guests and visitors. Nonetheless, one form can be used for both positive and negative evaluation and reports, and this is known as the hotel feedback form.

Hotel Feedback Form Sample

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 40 KB


Guest Questionnaire Hotel Feedback Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 21 KB


Why Use a Hotel Feedback Form in Word?

There are three main reasons why hotel feedback forms in word formats should be preferred or be considered by hotel managers and owners for their business. The first reason is that the format is basic and common which means that almost every individual who runs the hotel is knowledgeable about either creating or using the feedback form when accessed in its word-processing software application.

The second reason is due to the ease-of-use that it provides to its users. This ease-of-use feature allows the assigned hotel document-preparer to alter and update the contents of the form without difficulty, and without having the need to convert the form or use applications in order to change the content.

And lastly, a hotel feedback form in word or “.DOC” format can also be made into other formats. The form can be converted into a “.PDF” format which allows the hotel to post the form in their websites in its print-version, as well as send the form to their clients and guests using various devices.

Hotel Conference Feedback Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 12 KB


Hotel Employee Performance Appraisal Feedback Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 440 KB


How to Make a Hotel Feedback Form in Word

In order to begin making a hotel feedback form in word or “.DOC” format, the document-prepare must first install the word-processing software application which will be used such as Microsoft Word application and LibreOffice Writer. After the installation, the steps below must then be followed:

Step 1: Customize the document sheet. The margin and other format preferences of the hotel management should be observed noted by the document-preparer to ensure that any size, color, or type specification will be met.

Step 2: Add a letterhead. The letterhead or the header is a section of the form which brands the document as an owned property of the hotel. In this section, the name of the hotel and its logo will be indicated.

Step 3: State the guide or instructions to be followed by the user. The instructions should be able to aid the users of the form towards effectively providing the feedback as well as in delivering the feedback to the hotel.

Step 4: Make an area for identifying the user of the form. This section should have entry fields for the user’s full name, arrival and departure dates, and contact information. In addition, the room number assigned to the user and the event or the occasion that the user is attending to in the hotel can also be included to be collected in the form to properly identify and distinguish the factors which could have affected the user’s feedback.

Step 5: Enlist the questions to be answered by the user. The questions should focus on obtaining the user’s thoughts regarding how the hotel can improve their amenities and services. Furthermore, questions which allow the hotel in knowing how the user or their guest knew about the hotel can also be included specifically to determine which promotional method has attracted more guests, and which is the least.

Step 6: Incorporate a table for the feedback ratings. There are some factors or subjects in a hotel business which can only be assessed using rating scales. This is why in a hotel feedback form, a table must be created in order to list the factors to be assessed along with the rating scale or scoring method for the assessment and feedback of the user.

Step 7: Allocate a blank space for the comments and suggestions of the user. It is essential that the user of the form will be able to explain his suggestions properly to guide the hotel staff and members on how they can meet the user’s or their client’s needs and preferences.

Step 8: Add a thank you note and save the form. A thank you note at the bottom of the form will make the user know that the time that he gave in filling out the feedback form is appreciated by the hotel. Moreover, the hotel’s contact information and email can also be placed below the thank you note to allow the user in reaching out to the hotel management whenever he has concerns and additional feedback to report.

Hotel Feedback Questionnaire Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 25 KB


Hotel Guest Feedback Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 20 KB


Tips in Creating Hotel Feedback Forms in Word

Although hotel feedback forms in word formats are easy to create, there are some tips which should be noted by the document-preparer of the hotel, and these are stated below:

  • Make a draft: The draft should first be approved by the hotel manager or the authorized person who is assigned for gathering and documenting feedback from guests and clients. It should contain the list of items to be included in the form along with the suggested layout and preferences.
  • Know the target audience: Knowing who the target audience or users of the form can be beneficial for the hotel especially when it comes to customizing the feedback form template before it will be handed over to the user. For instance, if the hotel feedback form is to acquire the feedback and comments of the guests of a wedding event held in the premises of the hotel, then the designs and layout of the form can be updated to fit the wedding’s theme.

And lastly, organize the content. By organizing, the users of the form will be able to easily navigate through the document. Organizing the contents can be done by categorizing and arranging the factors or subjects to be assessed by the user or the hotel guest, as well as by putting labels on each separate section especially for optional areas.

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