workshop feedback form samples

Do you have vast knowledge on a particular subject matter or enterprise? Have you always wanted to share your expertise with those who desire to be acquainted with what it is you are good at and want those individuals to also succeed in your field? If so, imparting your principles through a workshop can be a brilliant undertaking.

Running a workshop is an alluring prospect, especially if you are passionate about your field of expertise. However, there are a number of points you have to consider to ensure the success of your workshop. Doing a dry run with select participants is ideal. During this trial, you will need to distribute Feedback Forms.

Workshop Training Feedback Form

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  • PDF

Size: 143 KB


Workshop Presentation Feedback Form

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Size: 9 KB


Workshop Session Feedback Form

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Size: 129 KB


Workshop Feedback Form Example

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Size: 247 KB


Workshop Participant Feedback Form

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Size: 41 KB


Planning Your Workshop with the Help of Feedback

Though the dry run is part of the process of planning your workshop, you will also have to set it up the way you would your actual workshop. The difference is in the outcome you are aiming to reap from both endeavors. With the actual workshop, your objective is to successfully convey your knowledge and advice to the people participating and to have them ardently engage in the activity.

The dry run, on the other hand, should be done to determine what you should and should not do, as well as what should and should not happen, during the actual workshop. Conducting a trial will prove to be a helpful step in the planning process as after it is done, lapses will be identified and corrected, and you will know promptly what improvements to make.

It is with the trial that feedback from the select participants will be obtained. It will also give you a glimpse of the possible reception when your actual workshop takes place. You can do this by preparing a Workshop Feedback Form beforehand. Or you can take a more straightforward approach and simply ask the participants whether or not your facilitation was effective.

Parent Workshop Feedback Form

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Size: 366 KB


Generic Workshop Feedback Form

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Size: 132 KB


Workshop Feedback Form in PDF

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Size: 18 KB


Teacher Workshop Feedback Form

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Size: 104 KB


Workshop Feedback Form Sample

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Size: 63 KB


Further Planning and Polishing

After overseeing the dry run and obtaining evaluations from the Workshop Training Feedback Forms you handed out, your task now is to incorporate the opinions of the select participants in the planning process of the actual workshop.

These are steps you can take so as to efficiently set up your workshop:

  • Specify your goals and embed them into how you will facilitate your workshop. Develop a clear picture of what you want to achieve during your workshop. Do you want to educate? Or is your objective to influence and inspire?
  • Focus on why the subject matter or enterprise is meaningful to you. Your workshop will leave a dynamic impression on its attendees if you underscore the reasons why it is something you are passionate about.
  • Decide who will be your attendees. How you will conduct your actual workshop is dependent on the type and number of participants you plan on facilitating. Will you be able to share your knowledge better if it is with a large group? Or do you want an intimate discussion with a smaller group?
  • Aim to have your attendees actively participate. You must not make the workshop about you. Engage your attendees and make the event about them.

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