course evaluation

The rapid changes in the learning platform have become a challenge for institutions to create engaging classroom content. Without a bird’s eye view of the level of performance of both the students and the teachers, it will be difficult to devise better course design that is competent with the online education system.

FREE 31+ Course Evaluation Forms in PDF | MS Word | Excel

1. Online Course Evaluation Form

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  • PDF

Size: 189.9 KB


2. Teacher Course Evaluation Form

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Size: 117.2 KB


3. End of Course Evaluation Form

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Size: 13.1 KB


4. Graduate Course Evaluation Form

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Size: 47.5 KB


5. General Course Evaluation Form

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Size: 20.3 KB


6. Participant Course Evaluation Form

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Size: 619.4 KB


7. Mid-Course Evaluation Course Form

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Size: 166.2 KB


8. Student Training Course Evaluation Form

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Size: 8.2 KB


9. Course Agreement Evaluation Form

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Size: 55.2 KB


10. Course Skills Evaluation Form

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Size: 82.1 KB


11. Education Course Evaluation Form

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Size: 105.2 KB


12. Course Instructor Evaluation Form

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Size: 72.7 KB


13. Student Course Evaluation Form

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Size: 214.8 KB


14. College Course Evaluation Form

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Size: 13.3 KB


15. Course Content Evaluation Form

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Size: 20.1 KB


16. Course Design Evaluation Form

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Size: 26.8 KB


17. Course Module Evaluation Form

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Size: 10.5 KB


18. Course Survey Evaluation Form

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Size: 79.5 KB


19. Standard Course Evaluation Form

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Size: 91.3 KB


20. Course Evaluation Form Sample

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Size: 80.0 KB


21. Simple Course Evaluation Form

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  • MS Word

Size: 9.7 KB


22. Mess Course Evaluation Form

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Size: 7.5 KB


23. Health Course Evaluation Form

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Size: 16.5 KB


24. Teaching Assistant Course Evaluation Form

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Size: 10.4 KB


25. Project Management Course Evaluation Form

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Size: 9.2 KB


26. Professional Course Evaluation Form

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Size: 245.1 KB


27. Course Evaluation Routing Form

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  • MS Word

Size: 6.4 KB


28. Web Based Course Evaluation Form

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Size: 8.6 KB


29. Course Peer Evaluation Form

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Size: 10.3 KB


30. Course and Speaker Evaluation Form

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  • MS Word

Size: 17.3 KB


31. Course Evaluation Report Form

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 9.6 KB


32. Standard Course Evaluation Form

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 11 KB


Why Is Course Evaluation Important?

Because of technology, the learning preference of students shifted. The traditional printed books as classroom tools turned into electronic books or e-books. In order to explain a concept elaborately, videos and pictures are the preferred mode of visualization. In a research study by the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, the results showed 61% of the participants preferred a multimodal way of information presentation. It means that a combination of the learning styles visual, audio, read and write, and kinaesthetic is the best way for them to concentrate on the topic at hand. Moreover, the teacher should match the course objectives to how the students respond.

Through evaluation, the administrators, curriculum developers, and teachers will be able to design a course that enables a learner to understand complex topics efficiently. In turn, this will improve the performance of the students during class, and the satisfaction rate of the institution gets better. It is impossible to hit all the learning styles; however, the teacher can make use of various activities and strategies for the students. In a course evaluation, the students’ and teachers’ feedbacks should be a top priority. Although there is no perfect implementation, those who strive to become better becomes best in the field. Kim Collins once said, “Strive for continuous improvement, instead of perfection.”

On Measuring Performance: The Different Evaluation Scales

Let’s have a general take on evaluation. Whether you are in a scientific field or the agricultural industry, the evaluation process is a must. Water can change in various environments and is similar to evaluation processes that evolve depending on the phase of a project. In general, there are three phases of evaluation. These are the conceptualization phase, implementation phase, and closure phase. Different evaluation scales apply to each step because not all rating methods fit a specific evaluation process.

  • Conceptualization Phase

Ideas come and go. Ideas need evaluation because not all of them help achieve your goals. Moreover, in the early stages of conceptualization, the use of evaluation principles is already evident. Formative evaluation is the typical strategy to evaluate relevant ideas in this phase because it helps eliminate weak points. For business-related projects, it works similar to a project proposal that determines the flaws beforehand. Doing so reduces the risk of wasted investment.

Formative evaluation requires visualization of the project through diagrams and tables. Some may require detailed information about the project, but it is a rare requirement. In conceptualization, establishing a convincing purpose for the implementation of a project is a higher priority than a detailed description of the methodology. The process of implementation is essential, but changes can happen depending on your boss. To avoid conflict of interest, better make the methodology part a bit flexible to fit in some suggestions by managers and higher officials. Examples of formative evaluation include pre-test assessment, prototypes, proposals, and sample surveys.

  • Implementation Phase

After the approval of the concept, the implementation comes next. In this phase, things can get rough. It is similar to juggling between hitting target goals and thinking of better strategies. Characterized by constant monitoring, the implementation evaluation phase may apply different evaluation scales to assess the current situation. Aside from that, this phase fosters improvements to happen. The good thing about this phase is that the effect is visible in a short period.

Let’s take employee evaluation forms as an example. The usual format of this evaluation form involves questions or scenarios that a person might experience. These questions include sets of choices that can suggest degrees of satisfaction. If ever a manager wants to evaluate employees, he or she can make use of the Likert scale wherein each option corresponds to a number. The total number gathered falls into one of the intervals. It gives the manager an idea of how his or her employee is doing.
For product or service satisfaction, a Semantic Differential Scale is the best choice. This technique brings out people’s emotions and interprets how they feel about the subject of focus. Aside from that, a Net Promoter Score is another method to measure customer experience.

In the aspect of project implementation, economic evaluation is the best method to realize the potential of a project to help the company in terms of reducing cost but maintaining the efficiency of services and products. In a company operation, it is better to have a lesser number of wasted hours and more productivity outcomes. These methods may have different ways, but they share a common vision that is to improve for the better.

  • Closure Phase

Every project that ends is not a wasted effort. Although the closure phase marks the end of a project, it is the beginning of better ideas to emerge. This phase usually asks what when wrong and how these mistakes help future innovations in the future. The most common evaluation strategies for this phase are impact evaluation and summative evaluation. Previous assessments from the conceptualization and implementation phase can be a source of reference for the summarized results. Mostly, these evaluation forms are in paragraph form with some pictures or statistics to justify claims.

No matter which scale you use, choose the evaluation method that fits your purpose. Mathematics may be hard to understand, but if used correctly, it dramatically boosts productivity and efficiency. Evaluation is like the remorse of the past, talk of the present, and a glimpse of the future.

The Changing Landscape of Learning

The learning environment of the students is changing. The ways of sharing information focus more on videos, memes, and infographics. Lengthy articles are still relevant in the academic or news-related fields. But for a typical user, he or she prefers an all-in-one view of information. Researchers at the University of Denmark found out that the attention span of humans is decreasing. In classroom activities, the duration of an activity is another crucial element. It is essential to have an activity that uses different learning styles with minimal time.

Aside from that, the existence of online classes is another trend of today that threats classroom setting existence. Instead of going outside and dealing with transportation issues, a student can learn through a computer and a stable internet connection. The main question here is, “How will we design a course that is suitable in today’s time, which greatly increases the student’s performance?” More universities adopt the online education system. According to US data on online course enrollment, more than 6.3 million students took an online course in 2016. Most of these students were undergraduates. Anticipation in the growth of these numbers might happen in the following years.

Moreover, there is a possibility that artificial intelligence or AI replaces teachers. China, the most populated country in the world, started this revolutionary concept. Due to their large population of students, the crisis of teachers is a problem. To alleviate this problem, the creation of AI teachers helps accommodate the learning of these students. There is a great possibility that other countries would follow this concept. Instead of demanding for more graduates in the education field, a better programmable AI teacher can do a teacher’s job that suits a culture’s learning preference.

William Spady once said, “All students can learn and succeed, but not in the same way and not in the same day.” Indeed, there are different ways to learn, and because of technology, the landscape of teaching changes rapidly. Charles Darwin’s evolution theory taught us the basic principles of survival. The changing landscape in education might be contrary to a culture’s beliefs. If there is no adaptation to the changing environment, the extinction of the unfit happens. The same scenario might happen to institutions if there is no adaptation to changes brought by technology.

How Do I Start An Evaluation?

In making an evaluation form for a course, the questions should be relevant to the focus topic. Also, it is essential to highlight the experience and suggestions from the evaluators.  These answers become good references for plans. If you find it hard to draft one, here are the steps that will make you create a course evaluation form in no time.

Step 1: Identify the Possible Problems

Before drafting the course evaluation, the possible problems should be a matter of consideration. Put the shoes of the student and try to think of possible experiences. By doing so, the formulation of questions or statements will be more natural. Also, it minimizes the tendency to create a lengthy evaluation form. If possible, categorize each problem. It will aid in the organization of questions in the form. Aside from that, informing the target respondents beforehand is a good practice. At least, you already have a number for how many responses will you tally later on.

Step 2: Determine the Best Evaluation Method

After step one, you must understand the evaluation method and choose the best way that helps you reach target goals. If you want to use numbers as ratings, then the Likert scale is a good option. However, if you want to use statements, the best way to illustrate the general results is through charts with percentage ratings. It can also be a combination of both. If you did categorize the problems, the formulation of results and suggestions is more comprehensive. You can make relationships between categories and identify which of these pairs of categories exemplify a proportional relationship. It narrows down options resulting in efficient interpretation.

Step 3: Draft the Course Evaluation Form

Making a draft of the evaluation form comes next in line. Although evaluators have the right to become anonymous in evaluation forms, the name, department, and position should still exist in the form. If you prefer a control number instead of asking for personal information, then the better. Evaluation forms are precious items, and utmost care is necessary. It eliminates the possibility of a jocular respondent.

Aside from the questions and personal information, the design of the evaluation form is thought of carefully. Organize the questions in categories or in a chronological manner. Especially if ratings use numbers, ensure that they are correctly aligned. The design of a good evaluation form encourages a respondent to answer each question honestly. Use color codings if necessary. Recheck the words used for the options. If ever applicable, include an option for others. In this way, the respondents have the freedom to write his or her answers. However, limit this option because it will be challenging to interpret varying answers.

Step 4: Recheck Statistical Method for the Evaluation

Once you have everything drafted, think of the interpretation of the results process. Review which statistical method is best for the expected outcomes. An evaluation form without a good interpretation method is still useless. The creation of a course evaluation form is a bit meticulous, especially in the formulation of questions, but the interpretation of results is a demanding process. At least, before a printed evaluation form gets to the respondents, there would be fewer struggles in integrating results.

Step 5: Give the Evaluation Form to Target Respondents

After the reviewing process, print the evaluation form. Count each evaluation form and make sure that the target participants have equal representation. Say, if you want to have students and teachers as evaluators, give an equal number of forms to these participants. Also, you have the option to make evaluation forms online and send them through university email accounts. Don’t forget to count the evaluation forms so that the number released is the same as the number gathered.

Step 6: Make the Interpretation of Results and Feebacking

The data that you gathered is now ready for interpretation. It depends on which department evaluated the course and on how they will address issues that they discover along with the results. The number one rule for evaluation is the objectiveness of interpretation. Be careful to include personal and subjective comments on the interpretation. If possible, the analysis should have a fair and just results. Also, ask for feedback from the respondents on what went wrong and how evaluation forms can improve. The next time an evaluation is necessary, it would be easier to assess.

The constant need for evaluation is a must in this generation. Trends easily change. If one goes against change, he or she might not fully make it in the future. Education utilizes business principles. Learning competencies and expectations should be in line with the customers; in this case, the students. If not given priority, students would instead choose the better option, either transfer to another school that delivers the course more effectively or enroll in an online class for a better learning experience at home.

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