customer testimonials featured

The great outdoors can be an enjoyable place, as it is dangerous. So as an outdoor equipment manufacturer, you always make sure that your products give your customers satisfaction and safety. And to maintain the quality that your products are known for, you eagerly sought to hear from the end-users themselves. So every night, you continuously check your company’s social media and email accounts and read testimonies from your happy customers. Doing this fills your heart to the brim and makes your daily existence, utterly meaningful. Because of the positive reviews that your products have been receiving, you finally decided to open an outlet store where your patrons could buy your products directly from you. It was great news for your patrons.

What is a Testimonial Form?

Due to the positive reviews and customer feedback that your products have been receiving, since the first sold them to your fellow outdoorsmen, you finally decided to open an outlet store. This news received great applause among outdoorsmen, and the community itself is thrilled by it. The move was your way of bringing you, your products, and the brand closer to your customers, and it also allows you to hear testimonials from end-users as well. Because of that, you also want to have Testimonial Forms in your store to enable customers to give honest opinions about your products. Testimonial Forms are forms that allow businesses to know how customers honestly feel about their products and services. These forms, in turn, also allows businesses to find areas of opportunity and improve their products and services further.

FREE 5+ Testimonial Forms in PDF

1. Testimonial Form Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 440 KB


2. Testimonial Request Form

testimonial request
File Format
  • PDF

Size: 90 KB


3. Patient Testimonial Release Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 5 KB


File Format
  • PDF

Size: 222 KB


5. Testimonial Questionnaire Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 75 KB


File Format
  • PDF

Size: 32 KB


Tips on Making a Good Testimonial Form

According to an article by brightlocal, 97 percent of buyers, aged 18 to 34 yrs. old, trust online reviews in making purchase decisions. Online reviews are first-hand accounts and testimonies from end-users which gives honest opinions about products and services offered by businesses. The article shows how consumer behavior is largely influenced by popular opinion, especially, when planning to buy a certain product or avail for a particular service. Likewise, businesses rely on testimonies to know how they fared in the market and also to find their areas of opportunities as well.

Testimonial Forms are where customers and end-users write their honest opinion about a business’s products and services. And, it is through these forms that businesses and customers alike, find how the general public felt about those products and services. But, honest opinions are not always honest. Customers themselves, when considering to buy a product, also consider the truth and reliability of the product review as well. So to help you and your business make a good testimonial form, here are the elements to consider, or even incorporate, in making your business’s testimonial form.

Consent is when someone willingly gives in to someone’s desires. But, legally speaking, obtaining someone’s testimony without consent could land you in jail. Incorporating a consent form or disclaimer in your testimonial form would avoid you from such a consequence. When including a consent form or disclaimer, make it short and straightforward so that it can be written on the testimonial form itself. You can have the whole statement written on a separate document and attach it to the testimonial form or hyperlink it if you’re using an online platform.

2. Credibility

Testimonies from someone influential or credible could significantly affect your business’s standing. It could either give you and your business a good and bad rep, which would likely make or break your business. To avert such catastrophe, letting your customers fill-out a sign-in form allows you to know the personalities writing such an opinion. It also allows you to address such persons when responding to them as well properly.

3. Original Content

The copy-paste function is truly a wonder for people who seek convenience. But, copying and pasting testimonies from other sites is equivalent to fraud. Legally speaking, fraud could cost you money from fines or even make jail your home. Also, making false testimonies when your business, unluckily, has none is considered as fraud. All you need to do to prevent you from these consequences is to be patient and make good of your work. People are expressive beings. If they have something good to say, then they will say it, no matter what.

How to Make a Testimonial Form

Since you’ve first sold your first product in the market, you’ve always relied on online platforms, like social media, to receive customer feedback. And since you’ve also decided to open your brand’s first outlet store, to bring it closer to your customers, you also want to hear them in real-time as well. This led you to search the internet to learn how to make testimonial forms and find samples as reference.

Step 1. Choose and Pick a Testimonial Form Sample

Choose and pick a testimonial form sample that suits your taste and easy to work with. This article gives you a list of assorted samples that you can download for free and use immediately. After choosing, hit the download button beside the selected sample and proceed with editing it.

Step 2. Edit the Testimonial Form Sample

Edit the Testimonial Form Sample that you chose right after downloading it. To edit the sample, remove some unrelated fields of information, and replace it with yours. Also, you can replace the disclaimer statement with your own, as well. You must edit the form according to your specifications.

Incorporate your business name and logo on the header section of the form after you’re done with the previous step. Some of the samples already have a name and logo on them, and it’s likely that the sample you picked has one as well. What you need to do is remove the name and logo that came with the sample and replace it with yours.

Step 4. Print the Testimonial Form

Print the testimonial form right after completely editing the sample. You can print your testimonial forms using your office printer. However, if you wish to print a lot of testimonials forms, it is best that you have them printed through commercial printers.

Step 5. Place your Testimonial Forms on the Counter

Place your testimonial forms on the counter after having them printed. The counter is where your customers go to, whenever they needed something from your staff or pay for their purchases. Plus, the counter is the first thing they see whenever they enter the store. When placing your testimonial forms, make sure that customers can easily see them. Also, don’t forget to put a pen and dropbox right next to it, for convenience.

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