probation review form

Employees under probation are on trial period which allows the employers to know more about them in terms of their capabilities. This also allows the employees to have a heads up on what field of work will they be doing.

If employees’ reviews show that they have developed and improved their qualities during the probation period, then they are allowed to retain their positions in the company. If they don’t, then it depends on the company whether to extend or terminate their probation periods. These probation reviews are all summarized in each employee’s annual performance review.

Employment Probation

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Size: 255 KB


Mid Probation

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Size: 14 KB


Final Probation

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Size: 230 KB


Filling Probation

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Size: 90 KB


HR Probation Review

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Size: 825 KB


How to Complete The Annual Probation Review Form

Annual probation review forms are used to specify the overall performance of an employee during their probation period. An annual probation review, from the word annual, is conducted every year. The reason for conducting an annual probation review is to track the performance progress of an employee.

If the company is more on production, then this review is used to monitor the productivity of the employee. This is to see how they are doing in regards to meeting the required level of performance. Annual reviews are documented or written on annual review forms, which are used as future references for evaluation once the probation period of an employee ends.

How to Write a Probation Review

A probation review should be written in a systematic way, which means there should be a format to be followed. Mostly reviews are done specifically and categorically on what qualities or skills are required. These are often presented in a tabular form to have effective and more detailed information.

What the company should be doing first and foremost is to reflect on their Internal Review Forms to identify what areas or aspects are needed to be improved with regards to their workforce’s performances. Once they have identified the problem, they can now create new improved realistic goals and objectives that employees are to attain. Then performance or probation reviews are made in order to come up with an effective review of an employee.

Staff Probation

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Size: 16 KB


Work Probation

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  • PDF

Size: 90 KB


90 Day Probation

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Size: 64 KB


Formal Probation Review

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Size: 154 KB


How to Fill a Probation Review Form

A probation review form is filled out with the necessary information that is relevant to the performance of each employee. The most important thing that the employers or reviewers have to remember is to be objective, instead of being subjective. This means probation reviews should be based on actual data and results. In filling out a probation review, the following information that are needed are the following:

  • the name of the employee under probation, his/her position, and department
  • the evaluation of the categorized skills that are required (often done with a rating scale)
  • comments, recommendations, or notes about the employee’s performance
  • signatures of both as a confirmation that everything is discussed

Doing a probation reviews is somehow similar to doing a financial reviews. Since using financial review forms, the finance officer is to keep an eye on the company’s financial statements.

Importance of Probation Reviews

Probation reviews are used to monitor the performance of employees. This is done either monthly or annually. These reviews are a great help for determining the level of performance of both the employees and the company. Basically, probation reviews are given to the employees who are under probation and under the management control of the reviewer.

This is to help the employees to reach the required skills, values, goals, and objectives that are set for him to obtain the position that they applied for. After the employees’ probation period, an evaluation of overall performance with the use of Appraisal Review Forms is done for the superiors to make a decision of whether or not to regularize the employee employment status.

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