monthly review forms

For all business organizations, it is mandatory for them to conduct meetings from time to time. This is to make sure that they are all on the same page, and are meeting the requirements to be on top. But these meetings will be a waste of time if the company does not take notes in building up an effective plan.

Few ways of making sure that the efforts and hard works of the company’s workforce will not go to waste are to have a monthly review of the company’s business operations, and to conduct an annual performance review for each employee, where each candidate is reviewed.

Employee Monthly

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Size: 36 KB


Monthly Performance

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Size: 206 KB


Monthly Staff Review

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Size: 198 KB


Monthly Client File

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Size: 106 KB


What is a Monthly Business Review?

A monthly business review is conducted in order to track how far the business is going. This review is done to measure the effectiveness of the plans and tools that were addressed in the monthly meetings.

And this is also used as a reference on whether there were changes to the plan or have the plans made an impact/s to the current standing of the company. With monthly business reviews, the past, current and future outcomes will most likely be controlled and managed by the company. To see various ways of how review forms are used, see Sample Review Forms.

How to Conduct a Monthly Performance Review

A monthly performance review, from the word itself, is conducted every month. This review allows the company to determine the comparison of the current to the expected performance of the business. This is also to keep track of the business growth, whether it has increased or decreased.

With the help of the monthly performance reviews, it will be easier for the company to identify the cause of inconsistent level of business’ performance. Monthly performance reviews include the performance of each and every employee, which are all documented using individual employee review forms.

Monthly Review Template

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Size: 216 KB


Monthly Probation

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Size: 43 KB


Volunteer Six Monthly

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Size: 102 KB


What is a Monthly Operation Review?

A monthly operation review is focused on the how well the business operates. This caters to the business strategies and techniques to attain its expected level of performance. But these operation reviews will only be effective if monthly meeting plans are significant and relevant to the business operations. These reviews evaluate the management operation and determine whether objectives and goals discussed in monthly meetings are met.

This operation review held monthly will also determine if company’s budget plans are sufficient to the company needs. With this review, company will also be able to determine if the evaluation of employees from their performance or probation review forms are improving and developing.

How to Write a Monthly Review

In writing a monthly review, the company should be able to accomplish the following:

  • Identify what are the key areas that should be monitored or kept track of every month.
  • Reflect previous month’s goals and accomplishments as comparison to this month’s.
  • Determine if the objectives and criteria are met.
  • Eliminate some areas that they consider as a hindrance to attain the required outcome/s.
  • Establish new goals that are attainable for the current month.
  • Establish strategies and techniques on how business will operate.
  • Have a list or take note of the monthly meetings and plans (including budget plans, using financial review forms).

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