sample team evaluation forms

An Evaluation is a constructive process conducted in schools or in the workforce to determine the effectiveness of an individual’s performance and to promote improvement in the quality of work or learning. A lot of people feel threatened or intimidated at the mere though of an Evaluation. However, Evaluations should be taken as a positive means that promote innovation.

Evaluations refer to a process done at a period of time to collect and analyze data and use that data to assess an individual or an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, achievements, and abilities. The following Evaluation Forms provided below are designed to provide easy access and to tailor to the type of Evaluation Form that you need, be it for Peer Evaluation Forms or Marketing Evaluation Forms.

Project Team Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 150 KB


Individual Team Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 50 KB


Weekly Team Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 150 KB


Peer Evaluation Form for Group Work

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 25 KB


Team Member Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 50 KB


Team Evaluations and Their Advantage

Team Evaluations are typically conducted when assessing the performance level of a group or a team. This kind of evaluation is usually conducted in a school setting where students are asked to present a project or perform tasks as a group.

When learning is team-based, students are typically assigned to work together in groups or in pairs. Determining the performance of a team, however, can be quite a challenge. It is important that evaluating individuals from a team is conducted objectively in order for the person conducting the evaluation to determine if the individual was productive in the team and if the team was able to achieve its goals by acting as a unit.

Ways to Conduct Effective Evaluations

Evaluate the Performance of Each Individual

One way to make an objective and fair evaluation of a team is to determine the effectiveness and productivity of each individual. When students are evaluated individually, they have the opportunity to become more motivated at working toward the success of the group as a whole. This method also provides a sense of fairness among diligent students while discouraging freeloaders. Assessing an individual separately can be done by adding additional individual components to group tasks, such as short essays or quizzes.

Team Presentation Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 60 KB


Team Leader Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 40 KB


Team Member Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 100 KB


Team Evaluation Form For Team

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 60 KB


Team Evaluation Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 150 KB


General Group Evaluation Form

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 12 KB


Provide a Checklist

Another way to determine the performance of a group in accomplishing assigned tasks is to provide a checklist for them to complete. The checklist may contain aspects of the group activity that they will need to tick off and complete to serve as your basis for evaluating them.

Provide Proper Feedback

Evaluations can be quantitative or qualitative, and for this reason, it can be quite a challenge to base them simply on output or through a checklist. Another way to properly assess a group’s performance is by providing handouts for each student to fill out and to describe their experience through short essays or commentary boxes.

Another way would be to do interviews as a team and probe deeper into each individual’s experience. This type of method, however, can be time-consuming and would potentially not illicit proper feedback as some students may be more vocal than others.

After conducting the evaluation, a feedback has to be properly given. Evaluations would be deemed useless without a feedback and should be delivered properly – not sugarcoated, not offensive, not insulting. The feedback provided should be constructive and direct to the point.

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