teacher feedback formss

A Feedback Form is a way to obtain feedback from clients and customers based on the type of service given. In a teacher’s case, a Teacher Feedback Form is a form given to students to strengthen the quality of teacher-learning environment and to look for opportunities to improve teacher performance in order to bring excellence in teaching and learning.

Our Feedback Forms are easily accessible to provide convenience. You can download our various types of Feedback Forms such as our Teacher Feedback FormsTraining Feedback Forms, and Teaching Feedback Forms.

Teacher Interview Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 98 KB


Teacher Evaluation Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 125 KB


Teacher Workshop Feedback Form

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 13 KB


Teacher Feedback Form Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 492 KB



A Teacher Feedback Form is one of the most effective modes of communication between a student, a teacher, and the administration because it allows teachers and administrators to gather and collect comments and suggestions that are relevant to a teacher’s development.

A Teacher Feedback Form needs to be user-friendly and should provide a section where further comments and suggestions can be given and should be filled out anonymously to promote honest feedback. Some students do not feel comfortable about giving honest opinions or comments about a teacher’s performance because of the fear of being identified by the teacher being evaluated, which might lead to an effect on the student’s grades and school evaluations. Below is a list of reasons as to why periodic Teacher Feedback or Evaluations have to be conducted:

Teacher Training Feedback Form

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 50 KB


Parent Teacher Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 56 KB


Teacher Coaching Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 721 KB


Teacher Observation Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 36 KB


Printable Teacher Feedback Form

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 42.3 KB


Grants Tenure to Teachers

Teachers typically go through a probationary period of time before they are regularized. A Feedback Form is one way to help teachers get tenured because it serves as a written document that acts as a reference for written recommendations that are provided by principals or supervisors in order for a teacher to become tenured. These written recommendations are primarily based on the results and findings of a Teacher’s Evaluation and other significant accomplishments.

Allows Feedback and Communication

Teacher Feedback Forms or Evaluations allow supervisors or administrators to provide feedback that is connected to a teacher’s teaching style in relation to their lesson plans. Lesson plans are important tools used by a teacher and provide an outline of the methods that a teacher will use to instruct students in accordance with the mapped outline that follows the specified curricula. Through a Teacher Feedback Form, teachers and administrators will be able to check if a teacher was able to meet the listed objectives.

Feedback also allows administrators to communicate with a teacher to brainstorm on different strategies that can be implemented or improved to make the teacher more effective in class.

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