free presentation feedback forms

Businesses can benefit significantly from receiving feedback as the information that it provides them can help them attain success. A good example of that would be receiving the results of customer feedback forms. Whether they are positive or negative, whatever information it presents can help businesses make decisions to provide their customers with a better experience.

Feedback can also be used to determine a persons’s level of performance, such is the case of using the different types of training feedback forms. One has to know how to properly utilize these feedback forms to use the information they contain efficiently. So with the information we provide you here, you’ll be able to learn how to provide efficient feedback and learn how to deal with feedback.

Presentation Feedback Form Samples

Poster Presentation Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 503 KB


Training Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


What Is a Presentation Feedback?

Presentation feedback is something conducted by supervisors or instructors to see if a person or a group of people are able to discuss about a particular topic and present information  that helps an audience understand more about that topic.

Presentation feedback also determines how the presenter provides the information by looking into things such as how much knowledge the presenter has about the topic and the quality of the visual aids used. Every presentation has its own feedback form, which is why there many different types of Presentation Feedback Form Templates that one can use.

Guidelines for Oral Presentation Feedback

  • Tell the presenter ahead of time that the oral presentation will be evaluated.
  • State how the oral presentation will be rated to help the presenter prepare
  • Listen closely during the presentation and take notes to help you remember key points
  • Start with praising the parts you felt were done well
  • State what things could have been improved and suggest how to deal with any problems that the presenter may have had

If you would like to know more about how to provide with oral presentation feedback, then you may go through any of our Oral Presentation Feedback Form Examples.

Presentation Audience Feedback Form

Project Presentation Audience Feedback Form

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  • PDF

Size: 68 KB


Student Presentation Feedback Form

Student PowerPoint Presentation Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 42 KB


Student Presentation Feedback and Assessment Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 35 KB


Honors Day Student Presentation Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 115 KB


The Different Types and Purposes of Presentation Feedback Forms

Learning how to provide proper feedback is always essential, but it also helps to know which feedback form must be used for the given situation. In this case, one must learn what presentation feedback form should be utilized in the event that any presentations have to be looked in to. Here are a few examples of presentation feedback forms:

  • Training Feedback Forms are used by those who participated in training programs that present these people with information that helps them develop certain skills and knowledge. Providing training feedback helps participants of the program comment on whether or not they were able to gain any new knowledge or insight from whatever information was presented. This will allow the organizers to see what things need to be improved to provide better training programs in the future.
  • Oral Presentation Feedback Forms are utilized by those who need to provide feedback on presentations wherein the presenter uses no visual aids whatsoever.  These forms look into factors that determine how the presenter provides the information orally and if the presenter is able to do so in a way that the audience are able to clearly understand and learn from.
  • Group Presentation Feedback Forms are used by evaluators to provide feedback on groups that consist of 2 or more people. Using these forms can help see how each member of the group were able to contribute towards the presentation. This form can also be used to help reward those who did their work and provided the audience with information, and assess those who provided little to no contribution and must be criticized.

Aside from presentation feedback forms, there are also other feedback forms such as Employee Feedback Forms or Faculty Feedback Forms that businesses use to assess how well their employee’s perform. So if you would like to know more about all the other different feedback forms, then you may go through any of our samples.

Study Presentation Feedback Forms

Case Study Presentation Feedback Form

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 9 KB


Practice Presentation Feedback Form

Sample Practice Presentation Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 KB


Oral Presentation Feedback Form

Oral Presentation Feedback Form Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 34 KB


Sample Presentation Feedback Forms

Entrepreneurship Presentation Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 5 KB


Presentation Observation Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 44 KB


How to Write Presentation Feedback

When required to providepresentation feedback, you must be certain that the following information is included:

  • Date of the presentation
  • Date of the feedback
  • Time of the presentation
  • Name of the evaluator and the presenter
  • Title of the presentation
  • A brief description of the topic being presented
  • A proper rating system and instructions on how it should be used
  • The different components of the presentation to be rated

If you would like to learn how to write up other feedback forms, such as Counseling Feedback Forms for the sole purpose of giving feedback on a counseling sessions, then you may view any of our sample feedback forms to help you.

The Importance of Presentation Feedback

People who are required to provide feedback on a presentation must understand that doing so is essential to helping the presenter improve. It is very similar to receiving any other feedback such as receiving Guest Feedback Forms and seeing how these guests feel about their stay in a particular hotel.

By letting the presenter know about the problems of the presentation, they will be able to use the information to try and solve these issues to provide better future presentations. So always remember to fill out and provide comments on how these presenters should improve whenever you create any type of presentation feedback.

Presentation Feedback Forms

Oral Presentation Peer Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 71 KB


Group Presentation Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 100 KB


Guidelines on How to Provide Effective Presentation Feedback

  • Always be prepared. When you have to provide feedback regarding whatever presentation you must look into, you must first learn about the topic that is bound to be discussed during the presentation. This means doing the proper research and learning about the topic. The reason for doing this is to make it easier for you to provide feedback by letting you know if the information prepared by the presenter is in relation to the topic that needs to be discussed.
  • Be careful with how you phrase your words. You must learn to do this when providing any type of feedback. Phrasing even one sentence wrong could demoralize the presenter completely. So when providing feedback, be sure that you let the presenter know about his or her performance by not comparing or demeaning that person.
  • Remember to praise the presenter for the parts of the presentation that you felt were on point. The purpose of the presentation is to get the point of the topic across to the audience. So if you know that the presenter was able to do that well, then do not hold back and praise that person for it. This will help boost their confidence and at the same time let the presenter know that these parts should always remain consistent throughout every presentation that will be conducted.
  • Be clear on the problems that the presenter showed during the presentation. It does not help either of you if you decide to be nice to the presenter by not making criticisms. Provide details on which parts of the presentation you think could have been changed or done better. However, do so in a professional manner to show that you have taken the criticism in serious consideration.

So if you plan on using forms such as presentation peer feedback forms to assess the information provided and performance level of any presenter, then these guidelines should benefit you by creating proper and effective feedback. Because this is not just for the benefit of the presenter, but also to the people who decide to take part as an audience to these presentations.

Research Presentation Feedback Forms

Sample Research Presentation Feedback Form

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  • PDF

Size: 507 KB


Sample Observation Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 269 KB


Project Presentation Feedback Forms

Project Proposal Presentation Evaluation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 7 KB


Project Feedback Form Sample

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Size: 26 KB


Senior Design Presentation Project Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 27 KB


Presentation Feedback Form Examples

Presentation Feedback Form in Doc

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 4 KB


Scholar Presentation Feedback Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 56 KB


Paper Presentation Feedback Form

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 4.1 KB


How to Provide Effective Presentations

Follow these tips to help ensure that your presentation is one that will get positive feedback:

  • Prepare everything before the presentation. Try to budget all of your team in doing research and learn how much time you will need to provide all pieces of information that are essential to your presentation.
  • When using visual aids, make it as simple as possible. Do not overload with too many pictures, and do not overload it with too many words. Make it as organized as possible and keep its duration at just the right amount of time to get your point across.
  • Make sure that the structure of your presentation is well thought out. Think about how you are going to do the introduction, body, and conclusion and what pieces of information should be provided in each.

Feedback forms can be used to either give or receive feedback. Good examples would be using Parent Feedback Forms so that parents may show how they feel about a particular situation, or New Joinee Feedback Forms wherein businesses receive feedback regarding their new joinee’s opinion on their training program. So be sure to go through our feedback forms to help you learn how to gain and provide any type of feedback.

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