what is a statement form

A statement form is a type of form used to officially affirm a previous statement made by a certain individual about a certain topic. These types of forms are typically used to clear up any misunderstandings between two parties. Another common use of a statement form would be to submit a financial statement form to the government offices responsible for handling the documents.

Statement forms are common even in legal issues such as in the form of witness statements. A statement form is a formal announcement from a person which can involve anything from the statement of facts to the statement of a certain topic of interest.

How to Format a Statement Form

Formatting a statement form depends mostly on the type of statement form you will be making. Say if you are making a Student Statement Form then there will be a certain format for that statement form. But for now, we will be focusing on a generic format of a statement form which is actually quite simple to begin the format you will need to:

  • If you have access to some Free Statement Forms then you can use those to create your statement form. However, if you wish to make your own statement form then it will be best to continue reading.
  • Select a type of application you would like to use to create your statement form.
  • After selecting, the application of your choice begins opening the application and immediately forms two large tables that you will use as the information part of your statement form, and the body of your statement form.
  • Begin inputting in the first box with questions that will be directed to identifying the person who is writing the statement. These questions can be any type of question that will help identify the person such as their name, age, address and their contact information.
  • Going to the second box, begin creating a large space for the statement to be written in.
  • Then below boxes add in areas for the person to sign in order to verify that the statement was indeed made by them.

What Are the Benefits of a Statement Form?

Statement forms just like any type of forms. They provide certain benefits to the holder. In this case, a statement form can be used as a type of verification of a person’s comment of an earlier time to be used as a type of evidence or proof.

The most common example of a statement form would be a witness statement where the statement from the witness can help law enforcers determine the facts and potentially identify the culprit of a crime. In this case, they will use Witness Statement Forms to collect the statement of the witness. The other benefits of using a statement form would be that it gives the receiver of the form an authorized and confirmed document of the person’s statement.

Tips for Writing a Statement Form

When writing a statement form it is important to keep in mind a few things, such as:

  • Keep the statement form simple and direct.
  • Have the writer of the statement write clearly as possible.
  • Have them read over there statement and allow them to change it as necessary.
  • When using a computer to make a statement form keep it in a Printable Statement Form format so as to easily print it out afterward.
  • Always feel free to use sample statement forms. Keep in mind that if you are going to use sample statement forms, then select one appropriate to your purpose of writing the statement. For example, you cannot use an Employee Statement Form Sample for a witness statement form.

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