
Do you want to avoid having to deal with problems that might happen in your company? Are there any things that you wish to assess on the company’s way of handling the business and the customers? These concerns are reasonable, and there are ways of dealing with such a dilemma. One way is to prepare an audit report or checklist form.

Running a start-up business, you have just recently encountered problems that most new business owners face. You might even be feeling ambivalent about starting the business. Using the mentioned audit checklist form will help you know how to assess and manage the areas of the company that needs attention and detail.

What Is a Sample Audit Checklist Form?

Before we delve into the meaning and purpose of an audit checklist form, we must first understand the relevance of an audit. An audit refers to the act of investigating or studying specific scenarios, properties, or phenomena and creating a plan of action based on your findings. In a corporate context, financial audits look at and evaluate the relevant records of a company or organization to determine if it adheres to local and state financial laws and regulations.

A sample audit checklist form exists to help facilitate the process of auditing. It also helps in assisting business owners, especially the fresh ones, to know how to assess all the assets and liabilities of the company or business appropriately. The focus of the sample audit checklist form should be on the three main traditional audit segments—management, finance, and operation.

When properly used, the audit checklist form will quickly identify the source or cause of the problem of a company. This type of business form will even help predict any incoming issues that the company might face and help find counter-solutions to future problems. Using this form will help any start-up businesses prepare for any audit that might be done by a third party and avoid risking the company’s overall status and quality.

FREE 6+ Sample Audit Checklist Forms in PDF | MS Word

Sample audit checklist forms are widely used in keeping records and evaluating a company’s finances and transactions. However, auditing is not limited to investments, funds, or transactions alone. Here are a few samples of audit checklist forms that you can examine as your references when you want to create your sample files. Compare and contrast each sample audit checklist form from the other and see if you can find any differences or similarities. These online references are taken from websites or sources that are credible and are officially used as a status report for a company.

1. Audit Checklist Sample Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 169.5KB


2. Assurance Audit Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 338.5KB


3. Internal Audit Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3.2MB


4. Sample Audit Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 189.5KB


5. Sample Audit Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 42.1KB


6. Audit Sample Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 237.4KB


7. Supplier Audit Checklist Form

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 134 KB


Types of Focus of Sample Audit Checklist Forms

An audit checklist form is purposeless if it is created as a generic form, lacking in the area of focus that usually an audit checklist possesses. For a document to be recognized as a sample audit checklist form, it must follow a specific focus. This element is a basic necessity for why an audit checklist is even made.

1. Management Focus

In this area, the attention of the sample audit checklist form is on the management’s beliefs and practices, how the administration handles the production, the quality of service or the product, and the employees.

2. Finances Focus

In this type of the mentioned sample audit checklist form, the focus is on the company’s way of dealing and managing its finances—how the company operates and keeps track of its investments, funds, and transactions.

3. Operations Focus

In this type of focus of the sample audit checklist form, the attention will be on how the production quality and the production flow is going. Is the company’s production flow going well? Is the quality of the production of the company maintained? These questions are only some of the examples that need to be answered and researched when the focus of an audit is on the operations.

How to Prepare a Checklist for an Audit

An audit checklist functions as a company’s status report. Frequently conducting audits and creating corresponding status reports will help small companies or start-up businesses identify problems and issues before they occur. Here are a few tips on how to prepare a checklist for an audit.

Step 1: Main Subject Headings

When creating or preparing a sample audit checklist form, you must be knowledgeable of the focus or attention of your checklist. Choose one focus type as the main focus of your audit checklist form. Decide what should be the focus of your audit or accounting form by picking either the company’s management, the company’s operation, or the company’s finances as your audit focal points.

Step 2: Look at Online References

You may look at online references to help you with how to prepare a checklist. Or, you can go to Template.net to select one template from their vast media library that you may use as your reference. Carefully examine the sources, primarily what is written on the content. The content of those online references may help you in preparing and organizing your checklist.

Step 3: Help Is Out There for Small Businesses

Most small or start-up businesses are given an employer or an employee manual or guidance paper on how to create or prepare an audit checklist by the US Small Business Administration. Read the manual carefully and thoroughly as you dig deeper into the creation and preparation of an audit checklist form.

Step 4: Evaluate the Whole Sample Audit Checklist Form

Once you have finished preparing or creating the checklist, you must evaluate your final draft of the sample audit checklist form. Make sure to assign a proofreader or editor to check the grammatical and contextual errors found within the draft text. Your goal must be an output free of any form of mistake, a file that is clear in its area of focus.

Step 5: Print the Sample Audit Checklist Form

The final stage or process of this miniature guide is for you to revel in your success. Print out the final and evaluated document. Your company auditors and other third-party audit firms may then use the form when conducting audits on your company.

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