volunteer review form

To constantly check on the progress and productivity of an organization or an employee rather, having a monthly performance review is essential. Through this process, both the members and the organization benefit as these two will have the right assessment to figure out which ones will need recognition or improvement.

Aside from a monthly review form prepared by responsible members of any organization, individual members also take part by filling out this Individual Performance Commitment. This way, the member will have the chance to assess himself based on his work and attitude, and also rate his contributions to the organization.

Monthly Performance

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Size: 501 KB


Monthly Staff Performance Review

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Size: 246


Review Meeting

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Size: 117 KB


What is a Monthly Review?

A monthly review is an evaluation or assessment done on a monthly basis to evaluate the work performance of any member of an organization. Following a definite structure of your company’s Employee Review Forms, this process will provide a report regarding the employees, which will then be recorded for future use. The monthly review is also subjected to analysis for future considerations. Through this, the company will have basis for employee transfers, recommendations, appraisals and even termination. Usually, a monthly review for any employee begins after he has served the company for 90 days. Some companies exercise quarterly review rather than monthly reviews.

How Important are Monthly Performance Reviews?

A monthly review is just one of the many things a company does to maintain their overall productivity. Aside from this, a monthly review lays out many chances and benefits for both the employees and the companies. Monthly review forms are expected to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of employees and the company itself, which is why there is a need to assess this from time to time to assess whether improvements have taken place. Exemplary results found in these Employee Performance Review Forms might also give the deserving employees their incentives and rewards. On one hand, these forms will also give the employees an awareness of what might happen if a lowly performance result prevails.

Monthly Review Report

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Size: 367 KB


Volunteer Review Form

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Size: 65 KB


Case Management Form

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Size: 194 KB


One Month Review of Internship

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Size: 93 KB


Sample Monthly Review Form

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Size: 14.9 KB


5 Tips for a Smarter Employee Review Process

Since the employee review process is expected to gauge the overall productivity for both employees and the company, it’s always best to look at smarter ways to deal with this process:

  • Keep it simple. Some employee review processes are very much complicated such that it boils down to many irrelevant results in the end. Might as well prepare simple but meaningful employee review forms. Surely you can find the most effective one from the many Sample Review Forms available.
  • Compare and Recognize. Knowing that most employee review processes are done after the employee’s 90th day of service, it is always best to compare the employee’s progress from his probation review form and give due recognition to his efforts, if deserving.
  • Inform and Invite. Always inform your employee of the result and invite him to do better or maintain a great performance through remarkable incentives.
  • Communication has two sides – breaking down the communication barrier between the employer and employee, it’s always smart to listen to your employees while completing the employee review form as this might help a lot in understanding his performance.
  • Make it regular – Not all companies conduct review processes monthly. Others have it quarterly or annually. To achieve an efficient monitoring of progress, conduct a regular employee review as much as you can.


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