sample pre appraisal forms

Continuing education and employee engagement works hand-in-hand in ensuring that an employee stays focused on his/her job. And to reward employee commitment and hard work, employers came up with various ways to evaluate them in the form of employee appraisals. However, appraisals don’t only seek to reward employees, but it can also be used to weed out undesirable employee behaviors.

To employers, these undesirable employee behaviors are often actions that lead and/or contribute to reduced productivity. In a thorough appraisal process, the root causes of bad employee behaviors are weeded out in addition to providing them feedback. Still, appraisals can be stressful events. To reduce this feeling of being singled out, employees fill out pre-appraisal forms to make them more comfortable of the impending appraisal process.

Employee Pre Appraisal Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 14 KB


Staff Performance Appraisal Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 186 KB


Pre-Appraisal Information Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 162 KB


Quilt Pre-Appraisal Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 179 KB


What Is a Pre Appraisal Form?

A pre-appraisal form is a document containing a list of questions regarding your job, your level of job satisfaction, and other issues relating to your workplace. As its name implies, a pre-appraisal form is given to employees who are about to undergo a performance appraisal. Therefore, an employee fills out a pre-appraisal form while an employee’s appraiser fills out performance appraisal forms.

Pre-appraisal forms will have different formats depending on the company or institution that uses them. These forms may include a list of questions, a space for providing employer feedback, and/or boxes where you can check the box with the statement that applies to you.

How to Write Pre-Appraisal Forms

Writing pre-appraisal forms often falls in the hands of the senior management team or a human resource officer. If your organization do not yet have a standard form to follow, you may look for inspiration from the different sample forms included in this article or formulate your own.

Pre-appraisal forms serves as a guide for employees when preparing for their performance evaluations. That’s why employers frequently ask questions about their jobs, their relationship with their co-workers, their mentoring opportunities (if applicable), and other issues pertaining to their lives, aspirations and career goals. All of these is to get employees ready for the performance appraisal.

Pre-Appraisal Preparation Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 11 KB


Pre-Appraisal Form Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 54 KB


Pre-Appraisal Screening Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 41 KB


Pre-Appraisal Form in Word Format

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 7 KB


Tips for Filling Out a Pre Appraisal Form (and your Performance Appraisal)

To employees, remember that pre-appraisal forms (unlike car appraisal forms) serve as your handbook for a performance evaluation. Some companies may do appraisals annually, biannually, or biennially so you should be prepared every time they occur. We have prepared a few tips that you may follow to get yourself ready for an appraisal:

  • Answer questions honestly. Performance appraisals and filling out pre-appraisal forms are not meant to intimidate employees. In fact, employers mostly do them to help inspire their employees. Just be yourself. It is your time to express your thoughts about the job.
  • Answer the questions for yourself first. Pre-appraisal forms allows you to think about your job and what you want to do with it (and your life) on a personal level first. You can formulate a more coherent answer for your appraiser later; but when you first read a pre-appraisal form, you will get a chance to know if the job that you are doing is what you really want or not.
  • Remember that your pre-appraisal form will go into your HR file. Yes, you will be asked about different aspects of your work-life balance in a pre-appraisal form. But don’t make this an excuse to rant on undesirable office mates and bosses. You are free to write complaints on the form if asked, but do it in a calm and collected manner. Reserve your rants to employee feedback forms or to the direct ears of a person who can do something about your complaint.
  • Don’t forget your answers. The information you fill out in this form will be used by your appraiser during an appraisal interview. Make sure you give consistent answers or at least explain to the appraiser why your answer/s have changed.

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