
Before we can even begin discussing what a risk assessment is, we should first discuss what an assessment is. An assessment is a type of evaluation that is typically used to measure the potential of a certain object of interest. Now, a risk assessment is a type of assessment that is typically done in a risk assessment form.

This type of assessment form is typically used as a means of cataloging and analyzing potential risk and problems that may occur during the existence of the organization. A risk assessment is essential in most organizations today simply because of the fact that they are a means of preventing the organization from being unprepared or vulnerable to any changes that may occur on a later date. In short, a risk assessment form can be considered a type of evaluation form of all of the potential liabilities that would potentially occur.

What is a Safety Statement?

A safety statement is a type of statement form that is a requirement to have in any organizations, especially organizations that would require employees to handle hazardous materials, or be put into hazardous situations, such as reactor workers and law enforcement.

A safety statement is required because of the need for a set of guidelines and protocols to follow for the entire duration of the task. For example, when reactor workers are required to handle the reactors of power plants, there are always safety guidelines and protocols in place to prevent the meltdown of the reactor, or from power surges and other issues that would cause the plant to be damaged.

Process of Making a Risk Assessment and a Safety Statement

Now that we know how important it is to have a risk assessment made for your company is we will now discuss how to begin the process of making a risk assessment with the process beginning with:

Create a safety and health policy

This step of the process of making a risk assessment is required in order to identify the limitations of the organization’s ability to handle certain risks, which will help you in making a more detailed and cost effective risk assessment.

Identify Hazards

This is the second step to making or developing a risk assessment for you or your organization. This step is often times the most crucial and difficult. due to the fact that it is always difficult to spot our own imperfections. Because of this, the input of an external source must be needed to thoroughly identify any and all hazards.

Assess Risks

After identifying any and all potential hazards, you can now begin to evaluate the likelihood of each hazard occurring by determining the likelihood of each occurrence either by using an evaluation form, or by using an assessment form.

The assessing risk is best done with another source of information than what you already know. This refers to output from every employee with the use of an employee survey form which could also help you in making a proper risk assessment form.

Decide Precautions

After assessing all of the potential risks, you must arrange them in an order that would display the most likely to least likely to occur. This is help easily determine which risks should be focused on, as well as how to create precautions for them. Be sure to refer to your organization’s safety and health policy whenever you decide to plan out your precautions to avoid going over the budget.

Record Findings

Record each precaution you made for each risk to determine ways of evaluating the effectiveness of having such precautions installed. Note, this may require you to create scenarios or practice drills with each precaution listed to get a better sense of the precaution’s effectiveness, as well as collect training feedback from each drill in order to determine which seems to be the best method preferred by the employees who will be using the precautions.

Review and Update

After collecting all of the information you could collect from the training and testing phase of each precaution, take the time to review and read through each feedback form to determine your final selections of the different types of precautions.

Repeat the entire process

This step does not necessarily mean that you should always repeat the process, but rather, schedule a time to renew or remake the plans so as to be kept up to date on any and all dangers.

Why Should an Organization Create a Risk Assessment and a Safety Statement?

An organization should create a risk assessment and a safety statement solely because of the three major benefits they can provide to the organization. Benefits such as financial benefits, legal benefits and even benefits with employee morale. In order to explain the reasons in a much more clearer and descriptive form, we will explain how a risk assessment and a safety statement can provide the said benefits. To begin, we will start with:

Financial Reasons. In terms of finances, a risk assessment and a safety statement can provide advantages simply by providing the organization with plans on how to deal with certain issues instead of starting over again.

Legal Reasons. In terms of legal reasons, organizations are required to have at least a risk assessment and a safety statement instated into their plans so as to provide a level of safety for the employees.

Morality. In terms of morality, employees tend to work more efficiently when they feel more comfortable with where they work.

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