overtime authorization formss

Getting a job completed does not always have the similar levels of difficulty for varying job positions, which is why aside from employee salary and payroll forms, companies need overtime authorization forms. The purpose of having these documents is to assure that the employees are paid equally based on how their jobs demand time and hard work from them. However, the forms do not only benefit the employees from acquiring the equal pay for their work since it also benefits the company for specific reasons such as obtaining ample reports for their files.

Overtime Authorization Template


What Is an Overtime Authorization Form?

An overtime authorization form is used by company employees to grant a permission in working more than their regular number of service hours stated in their employment contract. By having this form, the company management will be able to tally and list the names of their employees who shall receive an additional payment for their provided time.

Although the number of overtime hours that employees take will vary on the significance of their job, some companies use the record from the reported overtime authorizations to determine who will be awarded as an exemplary employee of their company. However, even though the form can be completed simply as it centers on the general details of the employee, obtaining the approval and the signatures of the company’s higher officials is the tricky part to be accomplished by the employee for him to have a paid overtime.

Overtime Authorization Form Sample

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Size: 10 KB


Daily Overtime Authorization Form

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Size: 10 KB


Non-Exempt Employee Overtime Authorization

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Size: 43 KB


Overtime Authorization Agreement Form

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  • PDF

Size: 79 KB


Overtime Authorization Request Form

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  • PDF

Size: 115 KB


What’s Inside an Overtime Authorization Form?

A general overtime authorization form must have these five significant sections:

Requestor Information

The requestor is the user of the form such as the employee and the supervisor who aims to request his subordinates to work overtime. In this section, the name of the requestor, his department category, the description of work, and the estimated hours for the overtime will be stated.

Approval to Accrue Request

This will contain the signature verification of the supervisor about the requestor’s suggested overtime hours. Along with the signature is the date of when the overtime was granted and authorized by the supervisor.

Overtime Hours Number

This section will highlight the number of hours per day in a week that the employee wants to work additionally. Depending on the preference of the company, a table may be indicated to have the days of the week in a column associated with the chosen number of hours, and the total as the last row for the table. Beside the table will be certification of the employee that his statements and claimed hours are based on the overtime employee agreement and the needs of their department head. Most companies have the policy to round the hours on the nearest quarter and as a whole digit to assure that the amount to be paid will easily be computed.

Supervisor’s Section

Since the employee has already affixed his signature on the previous certification, this section is allocated for the supervisor’s signature. With the signature of the supervisor, the employee who will be working overtime is privileged to obtain an additional salary amount for the pay period wherein the dates of overtime fall under.

Payroll Section

This section will focus on indicating that the overtime hours of the employee has been recorded and will be paid by the management. The payroll personnel will need to state the rate of pay that the employee will acquire, the total number of overtime hours that the management will pay, the associated amount to be paid for the hours, and the date when the amount will be added to the salary of the employee. A confirmation from the payroll personnel or department will also be indicated on the form as a certification that the transaction is validated.

Overtime Authorization Short Form

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Size: 41 KB


Overtime Compensatory Time Authorization

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Size: 109 KB


Overtime Leave Authorization Form

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  • PDF

Size: 128 KB


Overtime Pay Request Authorization Form

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  • PDF

Size: 507 KB


Overtime Pre-Authorization Form

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  • PDF

Size: 371 KB


Examples of Overtime Authorization Forms

There are a lot of examples for various overtime authorization forms that each company can use for different specified intentions. However, these fours examples are the common types that companies in the global industry use for authorizing, approving, and dealing with employee overtime matters:

Overtime Authorization Agreement Form – This is a document that caters two purposes: authorizing an overtime request of an employee and laying the terms and conditions of overtime benefits. The layout for this document is similar to a formal letter, which will indicate the names of the recipient and the sender as well as the intention of why the letter has been created.

Policies that a company management observes for their employees who have undergone an overtime hour per week are stated on the document along with specified additional salary pay that the employees will obtain. To signify an approval for the terms stated in the document, the employee and the supervisor who regulates the employee’s department will have to affix their names and signatures on the allocated sections below the form. After this, the document will then be forwarded to the human resource department to be reported, recorded, and filed.

Overtime Authorization Request Form – This is the most common among all overtime authorization forms as it is widely used by companies for their employees and staff. The form will cater the reasons of the employee of why he needs to work overtime, which should be validated by his supervisor or manager for him to be authorized.

The benefit that the employee will acquire due to his overtime depends on the management and on his supervisor of whether he will be given a compensatory time-off or a time and a half pay. The decisions and the verdict of the management will be stated in this request form to allow the employee in knowing what he can obtain prior to doing the overtime hours.

Overtime Pay Request Authorization Form – Most states and countries require companies to submit records of their employees as well as the salary details that they provide to each worker every pay period. Along with other legal forms such as payroll tax forms, an overtime pay request authorization form is used for listing the names of the employees who went overtime for finishing their regular tasks.

The table in this form will have the names, followed by the specified pay plan, the dates of the employees’ overtime, the total hours worked and holidays, and an indication of whether the choice to garner the overtime is due to an elected compensatory time or a requirement for the employee’s job position.

Overtime Pre-Authorization Form – There are some companies who process their overtime authorization through two steps before the employee will receive a privileged approval. The first is the pre-authorization which will demand the usage of an overtime pre-authorization form to state the details and the reasons of why the employee worked more than his regular working hours. Additionally, the reasons why the work or the task of the employee is not applicable for completion within the 8-hour work duration is also needed to be included on the form to provide evidence and a strong stand that the overtime is indeed recommended for the employee.

Overtime Usage Request Authorization Form

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Size: 23 KB


Sewer Employee Overtime Authorization Form

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Size: 61 KB


University Employee Overtime Authorization

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Size: 353 KB


Overtime Request Tracking Form in XLS

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  • XLSX

Size: 7 KB


Overtime Authorization Agreement Form

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  • MS Word

Size: 11 KB


Benefits of Using Overtime Authorization Form in XLS

There are some job positions that should be done within the premises of the company. With this, employees are expected to be provided with the appropriate and regulate pay for their overtime. By having an overtime authorization form, the management will know the importance of why a task needs to be completed and why the employee needs to work more hours for his shift.

After submitting the form to the human resource personnel who will process the records of the employee, the financing department will need a tracking form for each employee who was granted an overtime approval. Specifically, the form is known as an overtime authorization tracking form, which should be in Excel format for easier usage and recording purposes.

One known benefit that an overtime authorization form in Excel format provides to the company management is that it allows a standardized computation for each job category. This will ease up the process for the business management to deal with individual methods of determining the pay that the employee should receive for the next pay period. Another benefit is that it aids in the security of the company premises by maintaining the records to the software that the management can access at any time whenever needed.

The Excel formatted document can also be accompanied with the attendance and staff absence reports for each employee to distinguish who among them were left to work more hours and who will be liable for losses in the properties of the company in events of theft and inside job crimes.

Lastly, a company will also be able to have a backup for their financial statement and records since the form will indicate the amount that they gave to each employee. Depending on the preferences of the company management, the form can be made for individual employees to indicate details for the overtime which will then have a summary section to total all the salary required for the company to allocate for each hour that the employees worked beyond their normal time.

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