affidavits form

In any court, a mere statement by the words of the mouth which were not placed in writing or in any recording device will not be held as an evidence for resolving a case. This is the reason why an affidavit form will be used by judges, witnesses, and all other people who aim to provide and stand for a statement which they believe are true and exact. Claiming false information and other statements is often subjected to a judicial penalty or a fee which will depend on the rules and regulations of a state.

The affidavit form will mainly consist of vital components or elements which should be present in order for it to fully represent the legalities of a case. This legal form will have the commencement at the very first section which will state and indicate the affiant’s identification, the person who created the affidavit. The second section is known as the averments which will list down what the affiant is claiming such as a name change or a real estate property. The third section is the statement of truth which is essential to signify the honest and factual claims of the affiant. Lastly, the attestation clause and the signatures are included to certify the affidavit as well as enlist the names of the affiant’s witnesses.

Generic Affidavit Form Sample

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Various Samples of Affidavit Forms

Just like other documents which are necessary to be managed legally, an affidavit form has different varieties depending on the purpose or intention of why the document will be used. The forms can also be grouped into six main categories which are intended for changes, employment, relationship, individual-use, business, and judicial purposes. Below are the following affidavit forms which an affiant may choose to fit what suits his needs:

Affidavit Forms for Changes:

Changes are infinite in every living life of a human being, which is the reason why these affidavit forms will serve a great purpose. Nonetheless, the claims of an affiant must be accompanied by an authorized and approved changed form and other documents which will prove that the change indeed occurred.

Affidavit Change of Signature Form Sample – This affidavit form is useful for proving and obtaining a successful signature verification. The changed signature must be informed to the authority to assure that all involved legal papers will be updated and that there are no forged documents used for various transactions.

Affidavit Change of Signature Form Sample

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Affidavit of No Change Form Sample – This, on contrary, will be for assuring that changes are not incorporated in any document. The general information of the affiant, his employment records, as well as all other information relating to him will be stated in this affidavit form.

Affidavit of No Change Form Sample

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Affidavit Forms for Employment:

Employers and companies hire employees who are honest with their personalities and have provided sufficient data about their employment history. With this, an affidavit form for employment will be used to satisfying the need of supervisors and employers in verifying or validating the employment status of an individual. This form is also used for proving that a guardian can provide the necessities for a dependent in a custody agreement case. However, this should be filled out and completed by the authorized person in a company such as the head manager or the supervisor of an employee to assure that the form will be accepted by the court.

Affidavit of Employment Form – This will supply a proof about an employee’s employment history and his work experiences. Along with an employment verification, this form will aid an employer in checking if an employee will be suitable for a job and if his employment claims are true.

Affidavit of Employment Form

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Self-employment Affidavit Form Sample – This can be used for attaining a custody of a child. By filling out this affidavit and indicating the employment information of a guardian, the court can determine if the child will be having a better life with the affiant or if the child will receive better benefits to the other party in a custody case.

Self-employment Affidavit Form Sample

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Applicant Support Affidavit Form Sample – This form is vital for any applicant whether in a job application or for granting a proof of a graduate degree. The form will have the information of the applicant as well as the specific individual who stands as a witness and a support for the applicant. Relevant certificates are required to be attached as part of the documentation which can satisfy the claims in this affidavit form.

Applicant Support Affidavit Form Sample

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Affidavit Forms for Relationship:

Claiming a relationship could not be successful without government-issued paperwork. Couples who have been married yet could not present their marriage certificate form to an authority will need a relationship affidavit for declaring their legal relationship. As for couples who were not married, yet are in a relationship into one another, a specific relationship affidavit for their intention can also be used for clarifying their obligations and rights.

Marriage Affidavit Form Sample – This affidavit form for marriage is used when an individual or a married couple wants to either declare or terminate their marriage, as well as the names of their listed dependents who are their children and other trusted people. If the couple aims to terminate their marriage, they must complete and file this form with the aid of an approved divorce form. After the completion of this document, the affiant should have the form submitted to the authorized personnel in the organization where the form was provided. The basic information of the affiant such as his name, date of birth, and his involvement in the organization will be found in the first part of the form. The declaration will state the name of his partner or wife, and his intention of using the document. The last part of the form will include a set of instructions which will aid the affiant in knowing where to send the form and the period of submission.

Marriage Affidavit Form Sample

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Domestic Partnership Affidavit Form Sample – Regardless of the gender and race of two individuals, they will be able to use this form legally as long as they have been involved in the lives of one another in a long term relationship. The purpose of having this document is similar to signing a partnership agreement where both of the partners will lay down their financial responsibilities, expected obligations, as well as their welfare.

Domestic Partnership Affidavit Form Sample

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Non-travelling Parent Affidavit Form – Relationship affidavit forms are not limited to couples and partners but also for parents and guardians of a child or a minor. The form will state the particulars of the child’s parents as well as the identity of the parent who will not be traveling with the child to a specified radius limitation applicable for traveling minors. This document will also need the social security card numbers of the parents, their ages, residential addresses, and an attached or printed identification form. A parental consent will also be seen as an essential part of the form to assure that both parents have agreed on allowing the child to travel.

Non-Travelling Parent Affidavit Form

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Joint Affidavit Form Sample – Along with marriage and parental relationships, a business partnership can also be considered when using a relationship affidavit form. Specifically, a joint affidavit form will be used if a business partner wants to either pursue that he is no longer interested in the involved business as well as to be a partner of an individual. The signatures of the partners and the head of the business is important to fully obtain a certification that affidavit is stating true facts and can be accompanied with valuable legal documents by the affiant.

Joint Affidavit Form Sample

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Affidavit Forms for Individual-use:

A single individual may also use an affidavit especially if his intention is for presenting a proof of identity to the authority. With this, an affidavit form will act as a verification form that states the information of an individual and the specific aspect of his personality or his background which demands to be proven true.

Identity Affidavit Form Sample – Requesting for a new account or fulfilling a loan application will demand the use of an identity affidavit to allow the authorities know the applicant. This form has a closely related function to that of an identification verification form which supplies the significant details of an individual and an applicant. The affiants’ name, current residential address, a list of his proof of identity, and a statement of a declaration will be indicated in this form. Along with this document should be the licenses under the affiant’s identity if the intention of using this form is for vehicle registration, applications, or license renewal.

Identity Affidavit Form Sample

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Identity Theft Affidavit Form Sample – One’s personal information should be kept to himself to avoid having someone steal the identity for the purpose of doing illegal acts. Identity thieves are people who are inclined to stealing other people’s information to meet their needs and wants such as spending cash which they do not own. An identity theft affidavit form will aid to solidify an incident report in a company. The form should be completed by the individual whose identity has been used by another person. The details about the incident will be highlighted in this document as well as the contact information of the affiant who is the victim of the thief.

Identity Theft Affidavit Form Sample

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Life Certificate Affidavit Form Sample – A life certificate form is a document which is granted to a pensioner as a proof that he is still alive and that he deserves to continue receiving his pension. However, a pensioner will have to strongly prove his existence which may require the use of an affidavit form. This form is a simple document that states the intentions of the affiant with regards to the issue of his pension and certification. The form will have the pensioner’s name, his proof of identity which can be his social security card or passport number, and his signature on the block provided by the requiring agency.

Life Certificate Affidavit Form Sample

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Real Property Affidavit Form Sample – When an individual owns a property, he should know the essence of good record keeping as well as the importance of an insurance title to be presented whenever needed by the authority. This form can be used with a property agreement to be signed by the affiant who is the current owner of the property and the other involved parties who will be the people assigned in managing the property. A list of improvements, changes, as well as construction projects done on the premises of the property will also be included in the form.

Real Property Affidavit Form Sample

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Translator Affidavit Form Sample – An individual whose job description is to translate legal forms and documents will need this type of affidavit form. This document is a vital form as this will declare the knowledge and the ability of a claimed translator that he has fully translated the list of legal papers with an accurate and exact translation. With this form, the jury and attorney’s will know who to account erroneous translations and mistakes found in a presented document.

Translator Affidavit Form Sample

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Affidavit Forms for Business:

Affidavit forms are also used for businesses and enterprises either by a transaction or in clearing out issues about a business. Five affidavit forms under this category are as follows:

Affidavit of Payment Form Sample – After a business agreement has been signed by the business partners, it is then understandable that all involved parties must stick with their obligations. The party who is responsible for paying the products and services of the other involved business partner should use an affidavit of payment as a proof of his fulfilled responsibilities. This form can be enclosed with a printed invoice form as well as the purchase receipt which was provided by the other party. The terms of a business contract will also be essential for knowing the limitations of what needs to be purchased and paid. Additionally, this document can also serve as a piece of evidence that there are no left obligations for the parties to act upon as the agreement have been fully mandated and observed.

Affidavit of Payment Form Sample

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Nondiscrimination Affidavit Form Sample – Entering into a business partnership will demand understanding and patience within the business-minded people. Specifically, this nondiscrimination affidavit form will focus on having the parties do a business declaration that they will treat all the involved people with fairness and equality. Ruling against the declaration of this affidavit will cause the business enterprise to face penalties and court charges which will highly depend on how a non-discrimination act is fulfilled in a country or a state.

Nondiscrimination Affidavit Form Sample

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Certified Laboratory Affidavit Form Sample – Some businesses include humongous laboratories for their production and machinery. With this certified laboratory affidavit form, a true witness who can either be the business owner or an employee can stand to support the company against the cases set forth by the state. The form will state the name of the company or business’ laboratory, their contact information, the attesting witness, the name of the involved client, the owner’s identification, and the reason or intention of submitting the form. It is also essential that the business and laboratory owner should have complied with the regulations of the state regarding permits and licenses to avoid further conflicts.

Certified Laboratory Affidavit Form Sample

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Short Sale Affidavit Form Sample – This affidavit form is for assuring that the involved parties in business or property transaction are not related to each other by blood or by any relationship. When a house or a residential property is under a mortgage bond, the mortgage agent will only allow a property transfer or sale to an individual who is not by any means related to the owner to avoid and omit a mortgage fraud. Parents, children, and even cousins are not allowed to purchase a property which is nearing the closure period of a mortgage. With this, the mortgage agents and mortgage companies will have a reassurance that they have not been tricked by the property owner in a strategy of selling the property.

Short Sale Affidavit Form Sample

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Lost Check Affidavit Form Sample – Owners of checks and other forms which relate to finances should take a great care in handling and keeping the documents to avoid misplacing and reporting to the authority when it is lost and misplaced. A lost check affidavit form is a sort of lost affidavit form which indicates the details of the check owner, payee and the amount of the check. The reasons why the owner is filing the form will also be included in a checklist format which states a few known and probable reasons such as losing the check due to a thief, misplaced and accidentally destroyed by the owner, and cashed out by another person without acquiring the owner’s permission.

Lost Check Affidavit Form Sample

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Affidavit Forms for Judicial Intentions:

Judicial and hearing purposes are the main intentions of an affidavit form, especially a sworn affidavit. Nonetheless, the following form samples are the known affidavit forms for meeting judicial intentions:

Affidavit of Executors Form Sample – This affidavit form is to supply information about the death of an individual and the intention of the affiant to be the executor of the last will and testament of the deceased. The executor must be of legal age to be named and accepted as a legal executor of the will.

Affidavit of Executors Form Sample

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Affidavit of Missing Document Form Sample – This form is similar to a lost check affidavit, however, this deals with varieties of documents and not merely for a lost check. An area of this form will indicate the circumstance that caused the loss of the original document such as a contract agreement or a signed petition. This can also be used for reimbursement purposes as well as indemnification wherein one of the involved parties will be the person who shall provide the payment and who will be responsible for covering up the losses affected by the missing document. This form will commonly have three main sections which will state the details of the loss, the description of the situation, as well as the declaration of both parties to participate in acquiring a new document.

Affidavit of Missing Document Form Sample

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Affidavit of Witness Form Sample – Among all the documents under this category, this form is the most commonly used by any person in the court. This witness affidavit will indicate the statements of the witness and his general information. The details of the criminal acts wherein an individual have witnessed are required to be stated in a well-descriptive manner in order to have a better knowledge and allow the court to secure an equally lawful verdict.

Affidavit of Witness Form Sample

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Discovery Affidavit Form Sample – This legal affidavit will be used by all the parties involved in a case to state and list all the documents that they have discovered to aid the course of the hearing. All essential legal forms and documents must be presented to the court regardless if it is beneficial or not for the success of the case. Along with this form, a document affidavit can also be used to properly state the particulars in a legal paperwork.

Discovery Affidavit Form Sample

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Service Affidavit Form Sample – Also known as an affidavit of service document, this form is used by the parties involved in a case as a proof that they have received a legal notification about the hearing and that they have served the required paperwork for the hearing process. This type of affidavit is prepared by the process server who is the authorized person for recording the essentials in a document and assuring that the necessary papers are submitted on time.

Service Affidavit Form Sample

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Voluntary Statement Affidavit Form Sample – This affidavit will mainly have the legal statement of the volunteer witness. It will also contain the basic data of the witness which will be his name, social security number, job position or rank, and his contact information. An oath at the end of the volunteer’s statement will be included on the form which will require his signature to signify the obligation of the volunteer in limiting his statements to facts rather than made-up or opinionated stories.

Voluntary Statement Affidavit Form Sample

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General Affidavit Form

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Simple Affidavit Form

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These affidavit forms may vary on their uses, however, each specific document is essential for proving the statements of an affiant. Nonetheless, an affiant must be sure of what type of document he will use before heading out to complete an affidavit form in order to assure a smooth flowing process.

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