self evaluation sample forms

It is a well-known fact that teachers assume the responsibility of seeing to it that students are able to fully comprehend the learning material presented to them. Apart from that, they hold the task of making certain that the learning progress of students is continuously improving.

Many teachers embrace and utilize various means of keeping track of their students’ learning progress. Having a class complete Student Self Evaluation Forms is a standard method numerous instructors follow in order to get the opinions of the students on their own class standing. Student self-evaluations, whether through the distribution of forms or via teacher-student interaction, can play a tremendous role in both the academic and personal growth of a student.

Sample Student Self-Evaluation Form

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Size: 218 KB


Filled Self-Evaluation Form Example

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Size: 27 KB


Sample School Self-Evaluation Form

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Size: 67 KB


Employee Self-Evaluation Form

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Size: 124 KB


Annual Self-Evaluation Form Sample

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Size: 83 KB


Why Student Self-Evaluations Are Important

Although student self-assessment has become a standard in most – if not, all – educational institutions across the globe, many teachers and other figures in the field of education still fail to see its importance, as well as the advantages that come with it. It has become a routine embedded into the educational system that is viewed as merely a compliance to standard procedures.

However, it must be known that student self-assessment is more than just distributing and subsequently collecting Student Self Evaluation Forms. It is a tool used to generate an outcome that will prove to be useful to both teachers and students. Furthermore, it produces the following advantages:

  • With a student self-evaluation, students become aware of their own progress. They are able to determine whether or not they should maintain or quicken their pace in learning so as to stay on track or catch up with their classmates.
  • In relation to the first advantage mentioned, when students assess their own performance and work, they are able to highlight their strengths and address their weaknesses, thus resulting in improvement.
  • Student self-evaluations also aid students in goal-setting; they are able to set goals that are more realistic.
  • The procedure also helps identify which subjects or topics in particular a student should focus on.

Early Years Self-Evaluation Form

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Size: 575 KB


Self-Evaluation Form Example

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Size: 160 KB


Sample Teacher Self-Evaluation Form

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Size: 18 KB


Faculty Self-Evaluation Form

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Size: 12 KB


Employee Review Self Evaluation Form

File Format
  • Doc

Size: 54 KB


Different Methods of Student Self-Evaluation

A student self-evaluation is not limited to having students complete forms and other similar tools. They can be carried out through other means. The method opted for depends on what a teacher deems would be effective and suitable for their class.

Here are other methods teachers can adopt and introduce to their students when conducting a self-evaluation:

  • Class or small group discussions. This is especially helpful if a teacher advocates discourse in the classroom. Moreover, it also involves peer assessment, which can help bolster both teacher-student and student-student communication.
  • Journal entries. Student self-evaluations can also be conducted through having an intensive writing exercise. Students can create reflection logs where they can express their thoughts and opinions on learning materials and lectures.
  • Teacher-student interviews. One-on-one interactions are ideal for instructors who value confidentiality. A factor that contributes to the delay of a student’s learning progress is the battling of personal issues. These can be expressed better to the instructor if an evaluation is done one-on-one.

A student self-assessment can be essential when ensuring both the academic and personal growth of a student. Much like how organizations distribute Employee Self Evaluation Forms to check on employee performance, student self-evaluations are done by instructors to monitor the learning progress and to see to the overall welfare of their students.

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