partnership agreement form

Being engaged and planning your perfect wedding can be an exciting time. However, one way to prepare yourself for marriage is by crafting a Prenuptial Agreement. Prenuptial Agreements, commonly called Prenups, are not a very romantic topic of conversation since nobody wants to get into a marriage expecting the worst.

However, even the most perfect couple can stumble upon bumps along the road. Prenuptial Agreements, like all other Agreement Forms, are a means of protection for both parties and a contract signed prior to the union of a couple pertaining to the ownership of their assets should their marriage fail.

Prenuptial Agreement Financial Disclosure Form

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Size: 17 KB


Legal Prenuptial Agreement Form

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Size: 179 KB


Prenuptial Agreement Intake Form

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Size: 11 KB


Prenuptial Agreement Questionnaire Form

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Size: 39 KB


Prenups and the Benefits of Having One

Helps Couples Learn More about Each Other

The process of creating a Prenuptial Agreement often allows a couple to learn more about each other such as their financial views, their assets and debts, and their money management skills. Marriage is not always about romance. Eventually down the road, couples will realize how their partners handle their finances and assets. Knowing about those aspects before the onset of marriage can help settle disputes over money and can lead to open discussion about how to resolve these issues before the relationship progresses.

Helps to Set Obligations

Relationships become smooth-sailing when financial obligations are properly delegated. By having a Prenuptial Agreement, each party’s obligations are clearly outlined and proper expectations are being set, allowing an organized method of dealing with finances.


Once two people are married and live together, property often gets mixed up. While the property you bring into the relationship may have started off as yours, people will mix things up over time. Straightening facts up before a marriage can save you from a long, tedious, and expensive process in court. With a Prenuptial Agreement, each party can keep their own assets and have these available for inheritance to their children.

Also see: Marriage Contract Forms

Prenuptial Agreement Form in PDF

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Size: 113 KB


Sample Prenuptial Agreement Form

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Size: 779 KB


Downloadable Prenuptial Agreement Form

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Size: 75 KB


Helps Couple Save on Divorce

Divorce is expensive and can be a long and tedious process. Having a Prenuptial Agreement helps speed things up and helps resolve issues fast because terms and parameters of settlement are already in place.

Protects Your Children

In a society where having second, third, or even fourth marriages is common, having a Prenuptial Agreement helps you protect your assets so that they end up in the hands of your children from an earlier marriage and maintain the peace in the family without the hassle of disputes.

Provides Freedom from Debt

Having a Prenuptial Agreement protects the other partner from the responsibility of having to pay the debt of the person who incurred it.

Sets Expectations

Like it or not, marriage is not just a romantic relationship but a business relationship as well. Before entering into a marriage, expectations and boundaries have to be properly set. Issues such as the payment of assets and liabilities, joint accounts, conjugal properties, and financial issues need to be clearly and properly outlined to minimize disappointments and stress in a relationship.

Also see: Affidavit Forms For Marriage

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