Affidavit Letter of Landlord Proof of Residence

Affidavit Letter of Landlord Proof of Residence

Sometimes, renters request their landlords to provide them with a document that proves their residency. It’s a relatively easy to write and perhaps the least complicated document that any landlord or roommate can provide. In fact, it’s a piece of cake—there is no need for landlords to vouch for their tenant’s character and even if they make timely payment, this information doesn’t have to be included in the letter, no matter how great they are. It is a mere confirmation letter that a tenant lives within the premises of the rental property at present or for a certain period of time. Read More

What is an Affidavit Letter of Landlord Proof of Residence?

The affidavit letter of landlord proof of residence is a document that landlord provides to their tenants. Aside from their lease contract, this affidavit is also a documentation that an individual lives at a specific in the rental property of the landlord. It is a simple factual statement—a very straightforward communication process and should not be too time consuming. 

In most instances, it is accompanied by other supplemental documentary evidence. If you have the lease contract is available, a copy of the document should be attached to the affidavit and nothing else. In the absence of any supplemental evidence, it should be notarized.

How to write and Affidavit Letter of Landlord Proof of Residence

As mentioned, the affidavit letter of landlord proof of residence is direct to the point. So, there’s no need to embellish the document with character reference nor the results of any tenant screening report that you may have. Use formal language and make sure that everything you include are verifiable.

Here’s what to say in a proof of residency letter, and how to carry out the request on behalf of your tenant:

Determine the purpose of the affidavit

The best course of action when you start writing the affidavit letter of landlord proof of residence is to determine the purpose of the affidavit and the kind of information being asked from you. This way, it will be easier on your end to answer the questions being asked and provide the necessary and pertinent details for the purpose of the affidavit. Should the tenant be unsure of the information that they need, as the landlord, you may provide general details that are most likely required for the purpose of the affidavit.

Write the title of the affidavit and identify yourself as the affiant

Your affidavit should start with the heading “Landlord Proof of Residence” or “Affidavit Letter of Landlord Proof of Residence.” This way, the purpose of the letter is easily determined and there won’t be any confusion as to what it is for. As the affiant, you must also include your details such as full legal name, your complete address, and the date when the letter was drafted. You must also swear that all information is accurate and true in accordance with the law.

State your relationship with the subject and provide all pertinent details about the relationship

As the landlord, the subject of your letter is your tenant’s residency in your rental property. It should be clearly stated in the affidavit along with the property name, address, and letterhead, if any. Specific tenancy dates and durations must also be included in the affidavit as well as the affiant or the landlord’s contact details. Aside from your information, you must also write into the affidavit tenant’s information and current address as a way to validate it.

Be truthful and provide only correct and accurate information about you and the tenant

It is important that you affirm that all information stipulated in the affidavit are true and correct to the best of your knowledge and make sure that you are being truthful in your affidavit. As the affidavit is being sworn under oath, you are liable to any criminal charges if any statements are inaccurate and contain falsified information. If found guilty, you will be subjected to perjury and other criminal charges. This will go on your record and you will be penalized and sanctioned under the law.

Provide all necessary documentary evidence as a supplement to the affidavit

Although not necessary, it is best practice to provide additional proof to support the residency claim. As the landlord, you may attach the residential lease agreement that you have with the tenant. It is recommended that the attachments must be an up-to-date copy.

Execute the paperwork with valid signatures

In the absences of a residential lease agreement, the affidavit must be brought to the notary public for signature. You and your witnesses must bring the document to a notary public for notarization and sign the document in their presence. The notary public will record the signing location, date, and parties in attendance before adding their credentials and seal.


Why do tenants need proof of residence from landlords?

Renters typically need a landlord’s proof of residence for the following:

Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) application.

Employer verification for working or residing at a specific place.

What is the difference between affidavit of proof of residence and character reference?

A character reference letter is vouching for your tenant’s character. You will have to show how they are as tenants—do they pay on time or do they have overdue rental payment? Do they follow the tenancy rules or not? On the other hand, an affidavit letter of proof of residence is just that—providing proof that the tenant lives in your rental property regardless of their behavior.

Should landlord write a proof of residence for a tenant if the request from a third party?

If you receive such request other than your tenant, you must always let your tenant know about it before volunteering any information about them to a third party. Make sure that you get written permission from your tenant that you will provide their residential information to the third party that made the request to protect you from any lawsuits that may be filed against you.

School requirement for students’ residence especially as proof during enrolment in elementary, middle, and high School. Colleges and universities may also require this for in-state tuition application.


An affidavit proof of residence is a formal document that proves an individual’s previous or current residence. If you are a landlord and a renter requests for a proof of residence, it is important that you know what it is for. They may need it for different purposes such as getting a license, registering to vote, or to qualify for benefits from an institution.