General Affidavit Form For A State

General Affidavit Form For A State

To prove the truthfulness of a certain statement in court, a general affidavit is used along with witness statements and other relevant exhibits. But who can offer an affidavit? Anyone with a sound mind and capacity to understand the seriousness of oath can offer an affidavit. However, you just cannot write an affidavit without the intervention of a public notary because it is essential to legalize the authenticity of an affidavit and deter fraud. Find out more about affidavits in this article and learn how to write one using a ready-made template. Read More

What Is a General Affidavit?

A general affidavit is a sworn statement that provides information based on facts. It is an oath that what an individual is saying is the truth. Moreover, a general affidavit is the most versatile form of affidavit because you can tailor specific requirements and needs in any legal situation to it. You can get a general affidavit form by paying a visit to your local courts or court websites if there are any. Or, create your own affidavit using a template that you can easily get on the internet. 

How Do You Make a General Affidavit Using a Template?

If you are looking for a convenient way to make a general affidavit, you have come to the right place. Whether you are creating a guardianship affidavit or domestic partnership affidavit, having a stencil is the easiest way to go. But you can also opt to start from scratch if you prefer it that way. One of the benefits of using a template is that it promotes consistency in your document. And we can assure that with our collection of editable affidavit templates. To get started, follow the steps in the list below. 

Download an Affidavit Template

Using a template is one of the most effective ways to help you structure an affidavit. The best thing about using a template is that you are no longer required to start from the bottom and most especially it is cost-efficient. Have you checked out our collection of templates? If not, then it is your chance to download a stencil fitting for your affidavit-writing task. Since a template comes in with suggested content, you can modify it as needed or leave it as it is.

Modify Your Template Using an Editing Tool

To customize and align the general affidavit template to legal requirements, use an editing tool. Select the editing tool that is compatible with your template file format. You will know if you can work on an editing tool if it is featured on the website where you get your template from. Otherwise, it would be difficult to modify your template or mess up the format. But before you get started, ensure that you know what an affidavit looks like. This will help you put everything in order. Thus, let us get started with the title.

Provide a Title and Identify the Affiant

The affidavit’s title should capture the attention of the readers. What better way to do that than placing the title on the topmost part of the document, written in bolder font size than the rest of the words in the affidavit. Keep in mind that your audience is busy people who have a lot of things to do. Because of that, the title must tell right away what the affidavit is all about. Right after the title, identify the affiant or the person who will sign the affidavit. If you are making an affidavit for a client, it is important to collect all their relevant information such as the complete name and the complete address (street, city, state, and zip code).

Add Exhibits and Sign the Affidavit

Include relevant exhibits or other documents that need to be referenced and label them in a numbered sequence in your affidavit. Even though this is not mandatory but is highly recommended since it can make the approval process faster and a lot smoother. Also, mention responsibilities of the affiant by outlining the facts. It will keep him or her guided about the roles and responsibilities of being an affiant. Lastly, let the affiant sign the affidavit and get it notarized so that it can stand in front of the court of law.


When to use a general affidavit?

A sworn statement of testimony or affidavit can be used either inside or outside of court. If you are a witness or wish to formally get your memory documented according to your best understanding, you can use an affidavit. Similarly, an affidavit is used to provide your testimony regarding a specific knowledge that concerns a person, event, or another other matter.

Why would I need an affidavit?

Affidavit letters serve many important purposes. They are filed with the court as proof that specific information is true. In some cases, an attorney can use the affidavit letter on your behalf so that you do not have to appear in court or at another official legal proceeding.

What is the importance of being truthful in an affidavit?

Swearing something that is not true in an affidavit is technically a violation of the law. With that, you can be fined or even imprisoned for committing a false statement. It is similar to lying on the stand in a court proceeding.

Do I need a lawyer to write an affidavit?

Although an affidavit is considered a legal document, anyone can drafft one. It will be valid as long as it is signed, witnessed, and notarized properly. Hence, you do not need a lawyer to create an affidavit. Consequently, it is important to keep in mind that certain affidavits should contain specific information so that they will fulfill the purpose intended to be served and meet legal requirements. So when using an affidavit form, ensure that it provides relevant information needed.

Is a general affidavit legal?

Yes, it is a legal document and it is a sworn statement of facts on any subject. This type of affidavit is the most common and versatile affidavit as it allows you to tailor your specific requirements and needs in them. Additionally, like other affidavits, a general affidavit is signed under oath, in the presence of a notary public.